In this repository you can find small detailed labeled Russian NER dataset for training model for NER task or for add it for your training dataset.
Dataset was collected and labeled by hands and using ChatGPT generation with labeling on Russian language.
Dataset is labeled in BIOLU format, where:
- B - beginning token
- I - inner token
- O - other token
- L - last token
- U - unite token
Here are samples from dataset:
['Сталепромышленная', 'компания'] ['O', 'O']
['Сулейманов', ',', 'Манаф', 'Фарадж', 'оглы'] ['U-LAST_NAME', 'O', 'U-FIRST_NAME', 'B-MIDDLE_NAME', 'L-MIDDLE_NAME']
Dataset labeled (contained) following tags:
- LOC tags:
- PER tags:
The dataset size is:
>>> (7532, 2)
Below are the distribution of tags in the dataset as a percentage:
Tag | Amount (% / 100) |
LAST_NAME | 0.22 |
FIRST_NAME | 0.184 |
COUNTRY | 0.182 |
CITY | 0.144 |
REGION | 0.079 |
HOUSE | 0.068 |
MIDDLE_NAME | 0.062 |
STREET | 0.037 |
DISTRICT | 0.023 |
Also, in repository you will find utils for relabeling tags. There are 4 function for it.
- convert tags from BIOLU format to BIObiolu2single_token
- convert tags from BIOLU format to single-token format ('U-CITY' --> 'CITY')detailed2default
- convert current tags to tag list: LOC, PERdetailed2custom
- convert current tags to predefined custom tag list.
For more details how to use these functions check test.
If you want use dataset in your code just follow steps:
Clone rep:
git clone
Specify path to pickle file and load it using Pandas:
import pandas as pd
path_ds = '../Detailed-NER-Dataset-RU/dataset/detailed-ner_dataset-ru.pickle'
train_df = pd.read_pickle(path_ds)
Here you can find notebook how to use dataset and results after training NER model on detailed-ner-dataset-ru: Google Collab Notebook.
It was chosen pre-trained 'wikineural-multilingual-ner' model and we've trained on 'detailed-ner-dataset-ru'. Below are report and results after training:
Epoch | Training Loss | Validation Loss | Precision | Recall | F1 | Accuracy |
1 | No log | 0.165882 | 0.707182 | 0.712430 | 0.709797 | 0.957667 |
2 | 0.295800 | 0.107805 | 0.798548 | 0.816327 | 0.807339 | 0.971415 |
3 | 0.099600 | 0.089499 | 0.807487 | 0.840445 | 0.823636 | 0.977472 |
4 | 0.050600 | 0.081117 | 0.821306 | 0.886827 | 0.852810 | 0.981828 |
5 | 0.050600 | 0.098756 | 0.796327 | 0.884972 | 0.838313 | 0.975430 |
6 | 0.025100 | 0.082220 | 0.835106 | 0.873840 | 0.854034 | 0.981556 |
7 | 0.015900 | 0.098189 | 0.814626 | 0.888683 | 0.850044 | 0.978833 |
8 | 0.009700 | 0.082318 | 0.865108 | 0.892393 | 0.878539 | 0.983666 |
9 | 0.009700 | 0.090862 | 0.806397 | 0.888683 | 0.845543 | 0.979446 |
10 | 0.006500 | 0.083708 | 0.863309 | 0.890538 | 0.876712 | 0.983462 |
As a result, it quite enough size of dataset for training NER-model for quite good results training model on 10 epochs using pre-trained model Wikineural-Multilingual-NER: we've got after training the following best metrics:
- epoch 8: Precision --> 0.865108, Recall --> 0.892393, F1-score --> 0.878539, Accuracy --> 0.983666