The purpose of this repository is to install a new macOS machine without any effort.
The installation script ( will install all the necessary program you need like Brew, Zsh and configuring macOS with my own preferences.
The installer launch also the installation of Go Task which is used to create some bash script in a Yaml format.
To simply install the script run the following command :
curl | bash
If you run the script, this is what's going to happened.
- Clone this repository into the ~/dotfiles folder
- Install the macOS Command Line Tools and accept the licence agreement
- Install Homebrew
- Install Go task
- Setup the macOS preferences
- Install Oh My Zsh
- Install every application found on the BrewBundle file
- Generate symlinks for file like .vimrc, zshrc ...
- Install Python
- Install Docker
Every command can also be runned one by one with Go Task without running the For this you need to have Brew and Go Task installed.
Simply run the command task --list
Your Mac is now ready! 😄