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Section 3 - GROWTH MINDSET, Arrays and Loops

Section 3 is estimated to take a total of 6-10 hours to complete. Similar to the previous sections, this section of pre-work involves 📒reading, 👩🏻‍💻exercises, and 📝reflection questions. Make sure to manage your time well so that should you get stuck and need help, you have plenty of time to do so and meet the deadline.

Since Arrays are a bigger topic, it is the main focus of this section. Some review work from the first two sections has been woven in so you get opportunities to continue seeing and applying those concepts, as well.


Vocabulary Terms

  • hash
  • key
  • value

Open your local copy of backend-mod-1-prework

Using your terminal, open the local copy of the repository that you created during setup. To do this, you will need to use the terminal command cd to change into the directory that holds the repository. Once you are in the correct directory, use the terminal command atom . to open the prework repository. If you are having trouble with this, see the section1 README.

Part A Growth Mindset

Read/watch one or both of the following:

  • This 2-part blog post series discusses how having a growth mindset is helpful when learning to code, and how coding promotes a growth mindset!
  • This video interview where an experienced Front-End engineer discusses learning about the concept of Growth Mindset and how that's changed how she sees her work and career. (The first 7 minutes are intros and a discussion on Developer Relations. After that, the conversation about Growth Midnset begins.)

Then, consider on the following questions. We will ask you to share some of these responses at the end of this section.

  • What are two points from the article or video that either resonated with you, or were brand new to you?
  • In which ways do you currently demonstrate a Growth Mindset? In which ways do you not?
  • What is something you are good at or knowledgeable at now, that you once weren't? How did you get those skills/knowledge? Was it hard at some point?

Part B Arrays + Hashes

Today you will learn about two common data structures: arrays and hashes.

When you are all done with the lessons, exercises, and questions for today, you will once again use git to save your work locally, and then send your work to Github.

  1. Work through the following lessons. Any files that you create while working can be kept in today's exercises directory.

    • Read about what an array is from Learn Ruby the Hard Way.

    • Learn how arrays are index-based from Learn Ruby the Hard Way.

    • Hashes from Learn Ruby the Hard Way.

    • Hashes from Ruby in 100 minutes.

  2. Work through the arrays.rb file in the section3/exercises directory.

  3. Work through the hashes.rb file in the section3/exercises directory.

  4. Answer the questions in the file in the section4 directory.


📝 Answer the questions in the file in the section3 directory.

Save your work in Git

When you are finished with all of the section3 activities, use the Git workflow and commands you've learned to add and commit your work. Write a commit message that concisely summarizes what work this commit contains. If you need a refresher on that workflow, look at the Mod 0 lesson where this was covered, of the directions in Sections 1 or 2.

Push to GitHub

You've save your work to Git on your local machine, but it is not yet accessible through your remote Github repository. Push your code to your remote repository. If you don't remember the command, look back at the directions in Sections 1 or 2.

Visit your GitHub repository to verify the work you did for this section was pushed successfully!

Index Links

🚀 Go to Section 4