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The Diffy project


  • Any object can be used despite the references dependency graph
  • Finds the differences between two objects
  • Returns the object's difference in an easy iterable structure
  • Requires no changes to your existing class hierarchy
  • Provides a simple configurable API
  • No extra runtime dependencies


Using with Maven:


Using with Gradle:

compile 'com.wildbeeslabs.sensiblemetrics:diffy:1.1.0'


Package the application with all the dependencies:

mvn clean compile assembly:single

Technical description

As a result represents an iterable structure of fields difference entries by any given object (custom object /fields comparators can be used if provided any).

// First object to be compared by
Object object1 = new Object();
// Last object to be compared with
Object object2 = new Object();
// Difference comparator instance
DiffComparator<Object> diffComparator = DefaultDiffComparatorFactory.create(Object.class);
// ResultSet of objects comparison
Iterable<DefaultDiffEntry> iterable = diffComparator.diffCompare(object1, object2);


If you discovered a bug or have just an idea for a new feature development, please don't hesitate to contact our team at Pull Request

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