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Species turnover index

R functions for calculating the species turnover, based on Hillebrand et al. (2018). Biodiversity change is uncoupled from species richness trends: Consequences for conservation and monitoring. J Appl Ecol, 55, 169–184.

Input is an (M x N) table or matrix with M observations of N species and (optionally) observation dates and locations.

turnover <- function (X, method = "SERr", combinations = "i<j", dates = NULL, locations = NULL, measure = "euclidean", ext_inv = FALSE, groupby = NULL)

This function returns a data frame lSER of the turnover between rows i and j of matrix X. lSER$From = i, lSER$To = j, lSER$SER is the turnover between these rows.

The function result contains: lSER$From is the row number of 'from' observation in X lSER$To is the row number of 'to' observation lSER$SER is the turnover between these observations if ext_inv = TRUE, then the result includes additionally the effective number of common/extinct/immigrating/total species for observation i and j, lSER$S_common, lSER$S_ext, lSER$S_imm, lSER$S_total e.g., lSER$S_total is the total number of species in observation i and j and lSER$S_ext the number of species observed in i but not in j Note that the effective species number is richness based when method="SERr" and abundance (Simpson index) based when method="SERa",

if dates are specified, lSER$TimeIntv is the time interval between observation i and j, if locations are specified, lSER$Dist is the spatial distances between observation i and j,

lSER = turnover(X, method = "SERa", dates = NULL, locations = NULL, measure = "euclidean", groupby) calculates turnover within groups defined by groupby dataframe. groupby must contain the same number of rows as X. Function turnover(X, ...) splits X into groups and returns a data frame with the same structure as returned by function turnover(X, ...), plus an additional field "groupname"

@param X is (M x N) data frame or matrix with M observations of N species. X can contain species abundances, frequencies or, only for SERr, presence/absence data if X contains abundance then for calculating SERa the abundances will be normalized, so that the sum in each row equal 1. @param method must be one of "SERr" and "SERa". If method = "SERr", then richness based turnover index is calculated SER_ij = (S_immigrant + S_extinct)/S_total, and the effective numbers of species are richness based

If method = "SERa", then abundance based turnover index is calculated SER_ij = (sum_k pik^2 + sum_k pjk^2 - 2 sum_k( pik pjk) ) / (sum_k pik^2 + sum_k pjk^2 - sum_k( pik * pjk) ) and the effective numbers of species are based on Simpson index

@param combinations indicates for which combinations of rows i and j of matrix X the turnover must be calculated. The available values are "i<j", "i!=j" and "i,j". For combinations="i<j", the turnover is calculated between each row i and all subsequent rows j of matrix X. This type is useful for calculating temporal turnover, because in this case (if the data are sorted by date) we will calculate turnover from past to future, but not vice versa.
For combinations="i!=j", turnover is calculated for all combinations of i and j, except for i=j. For combinations="i,j", the turnover is computed for all combinations of i and j, in which case the turnover for i=j is zero. This option is useful if the results should be converted later into a square matrix T, such that element T[i,j] shows the turnover between rows X[i, :] and X[j, :].

@param dates observation dates (datetime) or any numbers e.g. observation years,

@param locations spatial coordinates, typically should be Mx1, for 1D gradients, Mx2 matrix if 2 coordinates are know, or Mx3 matrix for a 3D habitats or longitude and latitude (in this order!) in this case measure = "lonlat"

@param measure measure for measuring distance can be any of measures used by dist(X, ..) function, or can be "lonlat" in this case the geodesic distance in meters is measured using 'geodist' package. This package should be installed before. the 1st column of locations should contain longitude and the second column latitude

@param ext_inv should the information about invaded, extinct, common and total species number be included?

@param groupby is a column or data frame with M rows which are used to
group the data (see split(x, ...) function). In this case turnover is calculated within groups defined by "groupby" and resutl contains column groupname.

@examples SER = turnover_s(X, method = "SERa")

SER = turnover_s(X, method = "SERr")

lSER = turnover_s(X, method = "SERa", dates) spatial turnover, when coordinates are longitude and lattitude lSER = turnover_s(X, method = "SERa", location = LonLat, measure = "lonlat")

Calculating temporal species turnover separately for multiple stations lSER_gr = turnover_g(X, method = "SERa", dates = ObservationDates, groupby = StationList) where StationList is a data frame with station names for each observation. Output: lSER_gr$groupname contains station names, lSER_gr$SER is turnover information calculated within each station, but not between them.

#' Alexey Ryabov 2020
#' examples of using turnover, turnover_s and turnover_g

##read data
data = read.csv( file = "Species.csv")
# Date,X,Y,Species1,Species2,...

#number of rows and columns
M = nrow(data)
N = ncol(data)

#Define columns with species abundance data
SpecColumns = 4:N;

#richness based turnover index  
SERr = turnover_s(data[, SpecColumns]) #default parameters
SERr = turnover_s(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERr") #explicit
#note that our richness based turnover index is equivalent to the binary distance in R
#so you can get the same result using 
SERr2 = (dist(data[, SpecColumns][, ], upper = TRUE, diag = TRUE, method = "binary"))
SERr2 = as.matrix(SERr2); #convert to a MxM matrix
upper_ind = mat_index(SERr2, "i<j"); #select upper triangular part
#both functions give the same result
plot(SERr$SER, SERr2[upper_ind])

#abundance based turnover index 
SERa = turnover_s(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa")

#plot SERr vs SERs
plot(SERr$SER, SERa$SER)

#richness based turnover characteristics (list of turnover index + other metrics)
lSERr = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERr", ext_inv = TRUE) 

#abundance based turnover characteristics (list of turnover index + other metrics) 
lSERa = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa", ext_inv = TRUE)

#plot effective number of extinct species vs turnover index
plot(lSERa$SER, lSERa$S_ext)

#plot effective number of extinct species vs common number of species
plot(lSERa$S_common, lSERa$S_ext)

#include observation dates
SampleDates = as.Date(data$Date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"); #convert the input dates from string into class "date"
lSERa = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa", dates =  SampleDates)
#plot turnover as a function time intervals
plot(lSERa$TimeIntv/365, lSERa$SER)

#plot turnover index as a function of euclidean distance between observations
XY = data[, 2:3]; 
lSERa = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa", locations =  XY)
plot(lSERa$Dist, lSERa$SER)

#plot turnover index as a function of euclidean distance between observations
Longitude = c(1:nrow(data))/nrow(data);
Latitude =  c(1:nrow(data))/nrow(data);
LonLat = data.frame(Longitude, Latitude);

lSERa = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa", locations =  LonLat, measure = "lonlat")
plot(lSERa$Dist, lSERa$SER)

#Group by some factors 
#define stations and areas 
nr = nrow(data)
Area = sample(c("Area 1", "Area 2"), size = nr, replace = TRUE)
Area = sort(Area)
Station = sample(c("A", "B", "C"), size = nr, replace = TRUE)
StatArea = data.frame(Area, Station);
SampleDates = as.Date(data$Date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"); #convert the input dates from string into class "date"
lSERa_SA = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa", dates =  SampleDates, groupby = StatArea)
#lSERa_gr is a data frame with turnover within each group 
#show group names
plot(lSERa_SA$TimeIntv, lSERa_SA$SER)

#group by area only
lSERa_A = turnover(data[, SpecColumns], method = "SERa", dates =  SampleDates, groupby = StatArea[, "Area"])
plot(lSERa_A$TimeIntv, lSERa_A$SER)