Repository for running nd reco -> fd reco translation on PRISM CAFs.
See radiradev/dune-near-to-far for training code.
On the dgpvms in an SL7 shell. For first setup do:
source /cvmfs/
setup root v6_28_12 -q e20:p3915:prof
python -m venv .venv_3_9_15_torch
source .venv_3_9_15_torch/bin/activate
pip install torch==2.0
Now you have the virtual environment, just do source
usage: [-h] [--model_config MODEL_CONFIG] [--vertices_file VERTICES_FILE] infile model_weights
positional arguments:
infile input ND CAF file for friend FD pred tree to be added to
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_config MODEL_CONFIG
Model config json, required if model uses a non-default set of hyperparams
--vertices_file VERTICES_FILE
numpy array of shape (N, 3) that contains vertices to randomly draw from
Make a tarball of these files:
Submit to the grid with:
jobsub_submit -G dune -N <N> --disk=10Gb --memory=6000MB --expected-lifetime=72h --cpu=8 --resource-provides=usage_model=DEDICATED,OPPORTUNISTIC,OFFSITE --tar_file_name=dropbox://<path_to_repo>/jobdata.tar.gz --use-cvmfs-dropbox --singularity-image /cvmfs/ --append_condor_requirements='(TARGET.HAS_Singularity==true&&TARGET.HAS_CVMFS_dune_opensciencegrid_org==true&&TARGET.HAS_CVMFS_larsoft_opensciencegrid_org==true&&TARGET.CVMFS_dune_opensciencegrid_org_REVISION>=1105&&TARGET.HAS_CVMFS_fifeuser1_opensciencegrid_org==true&&TARGET.HAS_CVMFS_fifeuser2_opensciencegrid_org==true&&TARGET.HAS_CVMFS_fifeuser3_opensciencegrid_org==true&&TARGET.HAS_CVMFS_fifeuser4_opensciencegrid_org==true)' --lines '+FERMIHTC_AutoRelease=True' --lines '+FERMIHTC_GraceMemory=2048' --lines '+FERMIHTC_GraceLifetime=7200' file://<path_to_repo>/grid/ <input_dir> <output_dir>
Replacing <N>
with the number of ND CAF files in the input directory, and <path_to_repo>,<input_dir>,<output_dir>
with your paths.
- If we want to use different architectures or different ND/FD reco vars the code will need to be updated. We should refactor a bit to accomodate this more easily. Update: the model config json is now an input to
script, so only changes to the ND/FD reoc vars used needs to be hardcoded in.