This secure TCP Proxy listens to traffic on one address and forwards it to another address and was designed to encrypt tcp traffic between a client and a server for secured communication.
Proxy Mode: In this mode, the application forwards incoming network traffic from the specified listen address to the forward address. It acts as a typical network proxy server.
Client Mode: When in client mode, the application initiates a connection to the server (specified by the forward address), encrypts the traffic, and forwards the incoming traffic.
Server Mode: In server mode, the application listens for incoming connections on the specified address, decrypts the traffic, and forwards it to a target server.
AES-GCM Encryption: In Client Mode or Server Mode, the application expects an AES-GCM key to be set as an environment variable (AES_GCM_KEY) for secure encryption and decryption of network traffic.
You can run the application with various command-line options to configure its behavior:
or --listen
: Specify the address to listen on.
or --forward
: Specify the address to forward traffic to.
: Run the application in client mode.
: Run the application in server mode.
: Run the application in proxy mode.