SDL2 Example for Android, C/C++ template build tree.
Requires Android NDK and android SDK Tools. Setup PATH to your SDK and NDK in "" file, sample:
sdk.dir=/home/user/ANDROID/ASDK ndk.dir=/home/user/ANDROID/NDK
Prepare SDL2 projects libraries or download ready - see link:
and copy "lib" with your SDL2 compiled libraries to folder "app/cpp/lib".
Fix path to SDL2 and SDL2_image headers in the "app/cpp/" file, option "LOCAL_C_INCLUDES"
Connect your Android device with "Developer mode" ON and run command:
./gradlew build
to build apk file. Check apk file in "app/build/output/apk/" directory. Or run:
./gradlew installDebug
to build APK and install it on your Android device.