Personal Proyect Platzi Master - Cohort 3 - Grupo Ana Belisa
Web app proyect for suppourt app based on WEB
This application want to help to business to create operate and resolve problems and issues in our organization
The scope of this proyect is create a management system that recive cases and issues related to problems of your employees
- Register new users
- Create login for admin user and user standar
- Show the options below type of profile, user, technician or admin
- Allows modify the profile type as is need
- Creation of new events o issues, this will be created by users and by managed for a admin user, who assign this a technician
- The user will be informated of status of his event in his profile
- Technician can modify and add report of status, finally can be the status and mark it as finished
- Wireframes
- Mockups
- Diseñar base de datos para el proyecto personal y entregar documentación del diseño de la base de datos
- Desarrollo del Backend del Proyecto (CRUD) + Entregable de al menos 2 acciones
- Entrega muestra y Despliegue del Proyecto
- Entrega FInal
For install just need…
- Download or clone the repository
- install in your local machine
npm install
npm run start
- Componentes created has NameOfComponent.jsx en ./src/components/Component.jsx
- Style for each component created in SASS has NameOfComponent.scss in ./src/assets/styles/components/Style.scss
- Test will be created has NameOfComponent.test.js in ./src/test/Test.test.js
- React based in components
- Sass how .scss
- Fontawesome
- Babel
- Eslint
- Webpack
- Prettier
- Firebase as BaaS
- Firebase Authentication
- Firestore as data base
You can see the demo live, here
Image Preview
This Food Market is released under the MIT License.