Continuous build integration using Git client with Oracle Developer Cloud Service and Application Container Cloud Service
Besides using Eclipse for your project, you can use any favourite Text editor and Git tool to create and modify your project and then push the code to Developer Cloud Service remote repository.
This tutorial shows how to use a Git client with Oracle Developer Cloud Service and Application Container Cloud Service.
- You have created and deployed a SpringBoot Microservice with Developer Cloud Service & Application Container Cloud Service
- You have configured a Build for the springboot-sample app based on SCM polling schedule
- (Optional) You have configured a Deploy configuration with Automatic deployment of springboot-sample app to Application Container Cloud Service
- (Optional) You are familiar how to use the Agile Methodology in Oracle Developer Cloud Service
Continuous build integration using Git client with Oracle Developer Cloud Service and Application Container Cloud Service
Sign in to Select your datacenter, then provide the identity domain and credentials. After a successful login, on your Dashboard, click on Developer Cloud Service name and then click Open Service Console.
Log in to Oracle Developer Cloud Service and open your springboot-sample project.
During the steps below you can apply Agile methodology in Developer Cloud Service according to your activities on the springboot-sample project.
On your springboot-sample project, in the Project page, within the REPOSITORIES section, copy the URL of your springboot-sample.git repo from the HTTP text-box. It should be something similar to: https://{yourDevCSProjectURI}/springboot-sample.git
Clone your DevCS springboot-sample.git repository to your local machine by using your favourite Git tool. For example, you can download and install Git
Below is an example with Git bash:
cd {path_to_your_local_Git_repo_folder}
git clone https://{YourDevCSProjectURI}/springboot-sample.git
Make some changes in the code by using your favourite code editor (eg. Brackets, Atom, Notepad++ etc.). For example, edit the file:
Push changes to the Developer Cloud Service remote springboot-sample repo (master). Below is an example with Git bash:
git commit -am "Edited welcome.jsp page"
git push -u origin master
On your springboot-sample project in Developer Cloud Service, observe the results in Build and Deploy pages.
For additional samples about JSE microservices refer the Tutorials section on the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service Documentation Create Sample Java SE Applications
Sign in to Select your datacenter, then provide the identity domain and credentials. After a successful login, on your Dashboard, click on Developer Cloud Service name and then click Open Service Console.
Log in to Oracle Developer Cloud Service and create a new node-sample project based on Initial Repository.
Clone your DevCS node-sample.git repository to your local machine by using your favourite Git tool.
Access the Tutorials section on the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service Documentation Create Sample Node.js Applications
For example, select the Tutorial Developing a RESTful Node.js and HTML5 application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and either:
- start developing the RESTful project source code in your local Git repo
- or download the with the completed project and unzip it into your local Git repo
In you local Git, commit and push the changes to the remote DevCS node-sample.git.
In Dev CS, as you did for the springboot-sample project, do the Build.
Tip: Into the Build Steps tab, click Add Build Step, and select Execute shell
. For Command enter npm install
. Into the Post Build tab, check Archive the artifacts and enter **/target/*
for Files to Archive.
Then do the Deploy on ACCS and access the app on ACCS.
Sign in to Select your datacenter, then provide the identity domain and credentials. After a successful login, on your Dashboard, click on Developer Cloud Service name and then click Open Service Console.
Log in to Oracle Developer Cloud Service and create a new php-sample project based on Initial Repository.
Clone your DevCS php-sample.git repository to your local machine by using your favourite Git tool.
Access the Tutorials section on the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service Documentation Create Sample PHP Applications
For example, select the Tutorial Oracle Application Container Cloud Service: Building a RESTful API with PHP and either:
- start developing the PHP REST API project source code in your local Git repo
- or download the with the completed project and unzip it into your local Git repo
In you local Git, commit and push the changes to the remote DevCS php-sample.git.
In Dev CS, as you did for the springboot-sample project, do the Build.
Tip: Into the Build Steps tab, click Add Build Step, and select Execute shell
. For Command enter: zip -j
. Into the Post Build tab, check Archive the artifacts and enter *.zip
for Files to Archive.
On the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service: Building a RESTful API with PHP page, continue with the section Setting Up the Database and the Objects
Then deploy the php-sample on ACCS either:
- by using Deploy on DevCS
- or by using the ACCS UI console - on the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service: Building a RESTful API with PHP page, follow the instructions in the
Deploying the Application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service
Then back on the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service: Building a RESTful API with PHP page, continue with the section Adding the Database Service Binding
and Testing the REST Service