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Apply on-the-fly subswaths aligning and stacking (incomplete)
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Alexey Pechnikov committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 0c168a2 commit 4d92f0c
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 318 deletions.
192 changes: 179 additions & 13 deletions pygmtsar/pygmtsar/
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Expand Up @@ -248,38 +248,204 @@ def get_filenames(self, pairs, name, add_subswath=False):
return filenames

# # 2.5e-07 is Sentinel-1 scale factor
# def open_data(self, dates=None, scale=2.5e-07, debug=False):
# import xarray as xr
# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
# import os
# if debug:
# print ('DEBUG: open_data: apply scale:', scale)
# if dates is None:
# dates = self.df.index.values
# #print ('dates', dates)
# filenames = [self.PRM(date).filename[:-4] + '.grd' for date in dates]
# #print ('filenames', filenames)
# ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
# filenames,
# engine=self.netcdf_engine,
# chunks=self.chunksize,
# parallel=True,
# concat_dim='date',
# combine='nested'
# ).assign(date=pd.to_datetime(dates)).rename({'a': 'y', 'r': 'x'})
# if scale is None:
# # there is no complex int16 datatype, so return two variables for real and imag parts
# return ds
# # scale and return as complex values
# ds_scaled = (scale*( + 1j*'data')
# del ds
# # zero in np.int16 type means NODATA
# return ds_scaled.where(ds_scaled != 0)

# 2.5e-07 is Sentinel-1 scale factor
def open_data(self, dates=None, scale=2.5e-07, debug=False):
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants
import os

if debug:
print ('DEBUG: open_data: apply scale:', scale)

if dates is None:
dates = self.df.index.values
#dates = self.df.index.values
dates = np.unique(self.df.index.values)
#print ('dates', dates)

filenames = [self.PRM(date).filename[:-4] + '.grd' for date in dates]
#print ('filenames', filenames)
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
).assign(date=pd.to_datetime(dates)).rename({'a': 'y', 'r': 'x'})
subswaths = self.get_subswaths()
if not isinstance(subswaths, (str, int)):
subswaths = ''.join(map(str, subswaths))

# DEM extent in radar coordinates, merged reference PRM required
#print ('minx, miny, maxx, maxy', minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
extent_ra = np.round(self.get_extent_ra(subswath=subswaths[0]).bounds).astype(int)

if len(subswaths) == 1:
# stack single subswath
stack = []
shape = None
for date in dates:
prm = self.PRM(date, subswath=int(subswaths))
# disable scaling
slc = prm.read_SLC_int(scale=scale, shape=shape)
if shape is None:
shape = (slc.y.size, slc.x.size)
del slc, prm
# calculate the offsets to merge subswaths
prms = []
ylims = []
xlims = []
for subswath in subswaths:
#print (subswath)
prm = self.PRM(subswath=subswath)

assert len(np.unique([prm.get('PRF') for prm in prms])), 'Image PRFs are not consistent'
assert len(np.unique([prm.get('rng_samp_rate') for prm in prms])), 'Image range sampling rates are not consistent'

bottoms = [0] + [int(np.round(((prm.get('clock_start') - prms[0].get('clock_start')) * 86400 * prms[0].get('PRF')))) for prm in prms[1:]]
# head123: 0, 466, -408
if debug:
print ('bottoms init', bottoms)
# minh: -408
minh = min(bottoms)
if debug:
print ('minh', minh)
#head123: 408, 874, 0
bottoms = np.asarray(bottoms) - minh
if debug:
print ('bottoms', bottoms)

#ovl12,23: 2690, 2558
ovls = [prm1.get('num_rng_bins') - \
int(np.round(((prm2.get('near_range') - prm1.get('near_range')) / (constants.speed_of_light/ prm1.get('rng_samp_rate') / 2)))) \
for (prm1, prm2) in zip(prms[:-1], prms[1:])]
if debug:
print ('ovls', ovls)

#Writing the grid files..Size(69158x13075)...
#maxy: 13075
# for SLC
maxy = max([prm.get('num_valid_az') + bottom for prm, bottom in zip(prms, bottoms)])
if debug:
print ('maxy', maxy)
maxx = sum([prm.get('num_rng_bins') - ovl - 1 for prm, ovl in zip(prms, [-1] + ovls)])
if debug:
print ('maxx', maxx)

#Stitching location n1 = 1045
#Stitching location n2 = 935
ns = [np.ceil(-prm.get('rshift') + prm.get('first_sample') + 150.0).astype(int) for prm in prms[1:]]
ns = [10 if n < 10 else n for n in ns]
if debug:
print ('ns', ns)

# left and right coordinates for every subswath valid area
lefts = []
rights = []

# 1st
xlim = prms[0].get('num_rng_bins') - ovls[0] + ns[0]

# 2nd
if len(prms) == 2:
xlim = prms[1].get('num_rng_bins') - 1
# for 3 subswaths
xlim = prms[1].get('num_rng_bins') - ovls[1] + ns[1]

# 3rd
if len(prms) == 3:
xlim = prms[2].get('num_rng_bins') - 2

# check and merge SLCs
sumx = sum([right-left for right, left in zip(rights, lefts)])
if debug:
print ('assert maxx == sum(...)', maxx, sumx)
assert maxx == sumx, 'Incorrect output grid range dimension size'

offsets = {'bottoms': bottoms, 'lefts': lefts, 'rights': rights, 'bottom': minh, 'extent': [maxy, maxx], 'ylims': ylims, 'xlims': xlims}
if debug:
print ('offsets', offsets)

# merge subswaths
stack = []
for date in dates:
slcs = []
prms = []

for subswath, bottom, left, right, ylim, xlim in zip(subswaths, bottoms, lefts, rights, ylims, xlims):
print (date, subswath)
prm = self.PRM(date, subswath=int(subswath))
# disable scaling
slc = prm.read_SLC_int(scale=scale, shape=(ylim, xlim))
slc = slc.isel(x=slice(left, right)).assign_coords(y=slc.y + bottom)

# check and merge SLCs, use zero fill for np.int16 datatype
slc = xr.concat(slcs, dim='x', fill_value=0).assign_coords(x=0.5 + np.arange(maxx))

if debug:
print ('assert slc.y.size == maxy', slc.y.size, maxy)
assert slc.y.size == maxy, 'Incorrect output grid azimuth dimension size'
if debug:
print ('assert slc.x.size == maxx', slc.x.size, maxx)
assert slc.x.size == maxx, 'Incorrect output grid range dimension sizes'
del slcs

del slc

# minx, miny, maxx, maxy = extent_ra
ds = xr.concat(stack, dim='date').assign(date=pd.to_datetime(dates))\
.sel(y=slice(extent_ra[1], extent_ra[3]), x=slice(extent_ra[0], extent_ra[2])) \
.chunk({'y': self.chunksize, 'x': self.chunksize})
del stack

if scale is None:
# there is no complex int16 datatype, so return two variables for real and imag parts
return ds
# scale and return as complex values
ds_scaled = (scale*( + 1j*'data')
ds_complex = ( + 1j*
del ds
# zero in np.int16 type means NODATA
return ds_scaled.where(ds_scaled != 0)
return ds_complex.where(ds_complex != 0).rename('data')

# def open_geotif(self, dates=None, subswath=None, intensity=False, chunksize=None):
# """
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