Welcome to the Binary Ninja Community Themes repository.
To install a single theme, simply download the bntheme
file into the themes/
or community-themes/
subfolders of your user folder (you might need to make the folder).
Alternatively, clone the entire community repository into a folder called community-themes
inside of your user folder user folder to be able to choose from all of them.
To submit a theme, simply issue a pull request adding your theme file. It is not necessary to add screenshots; we'll create the previews for you and post them below since we prefer them to show uniform content. Sample themes are available from the api repo.
from Alexeyan
from mechanicalnull
from toolCHAINZ
from zznop
from withzombies
from Alexeyan
from toolCHAINZ
from Alexeyan
from Ben
from Alexeyan
from yhql
from mechanicalnull
from mechanicalnull
from toolCHAINZ
from mechanicalnull
from tonylambiris
For more, check out these Base16 themes from evanrichter
Here are the themes that come default on Binary Ninja.