Brainsight - Video presentation
Project presentation during Jedha Bootcamp DemoDay #38
Video demonstration of the web app
Presentation slides are included in the project folder.
You can write me at
- FastAPI (RestAPI using Postgresdb):
- Traefik (Reverse proxy)
- MinioS3
- MLFlow (using MySQLdb) :
- Streamlit (used to upload MRI scan to be predicted):
- Nginx (website hosting)
- python
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- tensorflow (custom CNN model)
- AlzheimerCNN_BrainSight.ipynb is a notebook where we created our state-of-the-art model.
- containers folder is where we used docker-compose to deploy our applications.
- dashboard refers to the streamlit app.
- webapp is the web application created on top of react.js.
- Solution and Architecture is a pdf explaining our model result's and infrastucture.