use this app to register faster defected stickers/pn's pictures sharing it to the drive or other image share/update purposes.
- Take a medium quality picture make sure p/n is visible(not blurry)
- Upload the picture to the app (Choose File)
- Wait for the app to process the image verify pn (you can change the result by clicking and manually fix it)
- If the result is correct, click on the "upload to google drive" button
- [✔️] Upload to google drive button
- [✔️] Choose File from personal
- Upload button
- [✔️] OCR scan image button
- [✔️] Verify Humanoid
- Clear button
- Description button
- clone repo
- set up a new AppScript project
- copy and paste this code in
function doPost(e) {
try {
var destination_id = "Folder-Id";
var destination = DriveApp.getFolderById(destination_id);
var img = e.parameters.imageFile;
var fileName = e.parameters.fileName;
if (img && fileName) {
var blob = Utilities.newBlob(Utilities.base64Decode(img), MimeType.PNG, fileName);
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Image uploaded successfully!");
} else {
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Error: Image or fileName not provided.");
} catch (error) {
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Error uploading file: " + error.message);
- deploy the project
- update Javascript file app.js, -uploadImageToDrive- function
const serverUrl = '';
replace your-deployment-key with your deployment key
/audit work should be easy/