Qbana (Ω) is an independent Kibana 3 fork with several additional features, new Panels, integrated Sense and client/server aggregations support, intended as dedicated tool for nProbe users as well as a possible alternative to Kibana for ElasticSearch users and abusers willing to live "off-the-grid"
Qbana ships loaded with:
- Dashboards for nProbe v7 and its many plugins (HTTP, DNS, SIP, RTP, PROCESSES, etc)
- Features for server/client-side aggregations, multi-value term_stats and stats, additional datatypes and more
- Additional Panels and D3 Visualizers (Force, Flows, Flow Histograms, Bullet Stats, MuchBetterMaps, etc)
- Developer console (Sense) linked to Inspect which allows you to easily issue calls to Elasticsearch’s REST API
- Flexibility to add/extend/change whatever you want without having to deal with anyone's business-plan
######"Join the Ω"
Qbana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search interface to nProbe, Logstash and other timestamped data sets stored in ElasticSearch.
- Elasticsearch 0.90.9 or above
- A modern web browser. The latest version of Chrome, Safari and Firefox have all been tested to work. IE9 and greater should work. IE8 does not.
- A webserver. No extensions are required, as long as it can serve plain html it will work
- A browser reachable Elasticsearch server. Port 9200 must be open, or a proxy configured to allow access to it.
- A reverse proxy to take care of security or a hosted solution which does it for you
Documentation, panel options and tutorials can be found on the WiKi
- Download and extract a snapshot or clone this repository to your webserver.
- Edit config.js in your deployed directory to point to your elasticsearch server. This should not be http://localhost:9200, but rather the fully qualified domain name of your elasticsearch server. The url entered here must be reachable by your browser.
- Point your browser at your installation. If you're using Logstash with the default indexing configuration the included Kibana logstash interface should work nicely.
Q: Why doesnt it work? I have http://localhost:9200 in my config.js, my webserver and elasticsearch
server are on the same machine
A: Qbana does not work like Kibana 2 or 4. To ease deployment, the server side
component has been eliminated. Thus the browser connects directly to Elasticsearch. The default
config.js setup works for the webserver+Elasticsearch on the same machine scenario. Do not set it
to http://localhost:9200 unless your browser and elasticsearch are on the same machine
Q: How do I secure this? I don't want to leave 9200 open.
A: A simple nginx virtual host and proxy configuration can be found in the sample/nginx.conf
Q: I'm running ES on a secured cluster with authentication. How do I configure Qbana?
A: Use in your config.js: elasticsearch: {server: "https://your.elasticsearch.server:80", withCredentials: true},
Q: I'm running ES on a secured cluster with authentication. How do I configure Sense?
A: Open Sense (/sense) and perform an initial query/configuration using https://user:pass@server:port
If you have questions or comments, bugfixes or new feature that you would like to contribute, please find or open an issue about it first.