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EXSamus edited this page May 7, 2020 · 11 revisions

Mail services

Here you'll be able to find all the technicals information about the Mail services that were implemented.

This wiki is still under construction

How to install

sudo docker pull tvial/docker-mailserver:latest

sudo curl -o; chmod a+x ./

sudo curl -o docker-compose.yml

sudo curl -o .env

sudo curl -o env-mailserver

How to configure

Edit the files .env and env-mailserver to your liking:

  • .env contains the configuration for docker-compose
  • env-mailserver contains the configuration for the mailserver container *Install docker-compose in the version 1.7 or higher.

Start Container

docker-compose up -d mail

Create an email account

sudo ./ email add <"user@domain"> [<"password">]

Generate DKIM keys

sudo ./ config dkim

Restart and update the container

docker-compose down docker pull tvial/docker-mailserver:latest docker-compose up -d mail

Maintenance operations

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

How can I be sure it works?

sudo telnet localhost 25
sudo netstat -tnl

Troubleshooting/ debugging

  1. Accueil
    1.1 Description and specification
    1.2 Missions and difficulties
    1.3 Usefull links
    1.4 Vps informations
  2. Reports & Shemas
    2.1 Reports
    2.2 Schemas
  3. Installation
    3.1 Service DNS
    3.2 Service Web
    3.3 Service Mail
    3.4 Service VOIP
    3.5 Users
    3.6 Database
  4. Configuration
    4.1 Service DNS
    4.2 Service Web
    4.3 Service Mail
    4.4 Service Voip
  5. Monitoring & Troubleshooting
    5.1 Monitoring
    5.2 Troubleshooting & Debugging
  6. Possibles ameliorations
    6.1 Ameliorations
    6.2 Feedback mission 3
  7. Conclusion
    7.1 Conclusion
    7.2 General Conclusion
    7.3 Team Management
    7.4 Personal conclusions
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