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SAT's Batchtools without gpu.

By default, some of batchtools like sbsbaker need a graphics context, in consequence, they can't be runnable on a CPU farm.

To overcome this problem, we provided a docker file which embeds a virtual X server (xvfb) and all needed dependencies. With this workaround, it will be possible to use SAT's batchtools without GPU.

On your server or farm's slave follow this procedure:


Docker is a software service which delivers containers. Containers allow you to run an application in a virtual system. It's an opensource project and you can get it from or directly from your package manager.

Centos installation : In summary:

sudo yum check-update
curl -fsSL | sh
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Ubuntu installation : In summary:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
    apt-transport-https \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    gnupg-agent \
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Windows installation:

Once everything is correctly installed and the service started. We can go through the building of SAT's docker file.

SAT's Dockerfile

First download the repository and change dir:

git clone
cd sat_batchtools_gpu_free

Next build the docker image (don't forget the dot at the end):

docker build -t sat .

Docker building the SAT's image, after all the verbose ouput if everything goes well you can see the result with:

docker images -a

And found a sat image in the list.

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
<none>              <none>              0f30ba61d936        About a minute ago   360MB
sat                 latest              f35ce67e8ad0        About a minute ago   360MB
<none>              <none>              407943a64c6f        About a minute ago   360MB
<none>              <none>              449d5b0291fd        About a minute ago   360MB

Now docker is ready to create a SAT container. To simplify the use we provied a script which wrap the docker command.

sat_docker command line

sat_docker is a command line to simplify the use of SAT's batchtools with docker. It has few option flags:

-exe [FILE]                   Full path of a batchtool executable, e.g /opt/sat2019.1.2/sbsbaker
-inputdir [DIR]               Full path of the input directory, e.g /project/meshes/foo
-outputdir [DIR]              Full path of the ouput directory, e.g /project/baked_maps/foo
-options ["STRING"]           All batchtool option (borned by quotation marks), e.g "position-from-mesh --inputs /inputdir/foo.fbx --highdef-mesh /inputdir/bar.fbx --output-path /outputdir"
-user=1000:1000 [USER]        Precise the user who run the docker process and write output files, by default it's the current user 1000:1000
-help                         Display help

volumes mapping

By default there is a docker mapping volumes:

-inputdir value is mapped to the docker /inputdir path

-outputdir value is mapped to the docker /outputdir path

-sat installation dir is mapped to the /sat path

Few examples:

./sat_docker -exe /opt/sat/sbsbaker -inputdir /project/export/mesh -outputdir /project/export/bakedmaps -options "position-from-mesh --inputs /inputdir/foo_mesh.fbx --highdef-mesh /inputdir/foo_mesh-hi.fbx --output-path /outputdir"

./sat_docker -exe /opt/sat/sbscooker -inputdir /project/inputdir -outputdir /project/outputdir -options "/inputdir/ --output-path /outputdir --includes /sat/resources/packages"

Be careful! be sure to use the path /inputdir and outputdir/ in the options flags. They correspond to the mapped volumes of docker.

Don't care to this output.

_XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created.


A Docker alternative to use batchtools without GPUs.







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