As a single developer, I only use one editor most of the time, so I can only give very detailed info on that editor. If you do figure out how to integrate lua-lsp with your editor, I'd love to hear from you~
There are a few neovim implementations of language clients: I personally use autozimu's client. My LSP configuration looks something like this:
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
\ 'lua': ['lua-lsp'],
\ }
let g:LanguageClient_autoStart = 1
Visual Studio Code implements language client support through an extension library. If you're interested in maintaining an extension for VSCode, please contact me.
Atom, like VS Code, implements language client support through an extension library. If you're interested in maintaining an extension for Atom, please contact me.
Sublime has an LSP plugin That can be used by directly specifying the
command. if you have a working configuration, please contribute it!
Emacs has a package to create language clients. If you have a working configuration, please contribute it!