Sink connector is designed to store data about the replication state. Currently the only supported state storage is by persisting the information in ClickHouse tables.
To use ClickHouse as a state storage, you need to specify the following configuration properties:
The offsets table defined by the
Default: "altinity_sink_connector.replica_source_info"
This table is used to store the binlog file, position and gtids.
Column Name | Description | Example |
id | UUID | |
offset_key | This is the Unique key for every connector. Its a combination of name configuration variable and the topic.prefix configuration variable |
["debezium-embedded-postgres",{"server":"embeddedconnector"}]" |
offset_val | This column stores the offset information for MySQL, file- binlog file, pos- binlog position, gtids- GTID | {"ts_sec":1724849901,"file":"mysql-bin.000003","pos":197,"gtids":"03d24fcc-6567-11ef-9978-0242ac130003:1-56"} |
record_insert_seq | Timestamp when record is inserted. | 2024-08-28 12:58:22 |
record_insert_ts | Monotonically increasing number | 174 |
The schema history table defined by the
Default: "altinity_sink_connector.replicate_schema_history"
This table is used by Debezium to store historical DDL statements so the DDL statements can be parsed.
Column Name | Description | Example |
id | UUID | |
history_data | binlog information and DDL | {"source":{"server":"embeddedconnector"},"position":{"ts_sec":1724867891,"file":"mysql-bin.000003","pos":197,"gtids":"03d24fcc-6567-11ef-9978-0242ac130003:1-56","snapshot":true},"ts_ms":1724867891697,"databaseName":"test","ddl":"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test .orders ","tableChanges":[{"type":"DROP","id":""test"."orders""}]} |
history_data_seq | Monotonically increasing sequence number | |
record_insert_seq | Timestamp when record is inserted. | 2024-08-28 12:58:22 |
record_insert_ts | Monotonically increasing number | 174 |
The offsets table defined by the
Default: "altinity_sink_connector.replica_source_info"
This table is used to store the binlog file, position and gtids.
Column Name | Description | Example |
id | UUID | |
offset_key | This is the Unique key for every connector. Its a combination of name configuration variable and the topic.prefix configuration variable |
["debezium-embedded-postgres",{"server":"embeddedconnector"}]" |
offset_val | This column stores the LSN information for PostgreSQL | {"last_snapshot_record":true,"lsn":27476744,"txId":744,"ts_usec":1724875350871964,"snapshot":true} |
record_insert_seq | Timestamp when record is inserted. | 2024-08-28 12:58:22 |
record_insert_ts | Monotonically increasing number |
- lsn_proc - Last processed LSN
- lsn_commit - Last committed LSN
- messageType - Type of message(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)