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AluBot 💜

Initial idea was to send me notifications when my favourite Dota 2/ League of Legends streamers pick my favourite heroes/champions and as games end edit the messages to include post-game information.

However, the whole process grew into making the ultimate multipurpose bot with pretty much everything I ever needed ! Check List of features after the pic.

AluBot preview

🏓Table of Contents

🏠 Wiki

I put a lot of information into GitHub 🏠 Wiki - so go check it out. Including:

📖 Features

All info in /help command of the bot. The following list is far from being complete, but still (#TODO: update the list):

  • FPC (Favourite Player+Character) Notifications

    Sends you notifications when your Favourite Players pick your favourite Characters (thus FPC abbreviation). Also edits messages to include post-game stats.

    The following games are currently supported:

    • Dota 2
    • League Of Legends
  • maintains Game News announcement channels

    • #🐈bugtracker_news tracks when Valve developers interact with the Dota 2 Bugtracker.
    • #🍋dota2_news with Official Dota 2 news
  • AutoFix bad links in discord chat with Mimic™️ (just a feature name) technology. Currently fixes:

  • In total over 100 useful/fun commands.

  • And so much more (and even more to come).

  • TextToSpeech
  • Confessions
  • Birthday role and congratulations
  • Moderation
  • Twitch starting stream notifications
  • Timers
  • Welcome messages
  • Logging
  • Emote stats
  • Info commands
  • WolframAlpha queries commands
  • Tags system
  • Google translate messages
  • Suggestion commands
  • Wordcloud
  • ToDo list
  • Reminders
  • AFK/Self-mute commands
  • NSFW
  • Schedule for Dota 2 matches
  • Stalking my Dota 2 profile (despite my "Expose data" setting is off)

🤝 Reporting Bugs, Making Suggestions and Contributing

  • There are Contributing guidelines
  • TL;DR^: Feel free to
    • open a GitHub Issue/PR
    • use /feedback bot command
    • write @aluerie on discord
    • look Project for ideas to contribute.
    • join our discord server (it's just a server of mine though, not some "official alubot support")

🤗 Thanks

Thanks to everybody who has ever helped me with the bot in any way or form.

Special thanks to the whole community for endless amount of educational value.

🚀 Powered by

Site API Docs Repo Library/Wrapper Docs
Discord Discord Bot API
Dota 2 Dota 2 Game Coordinator API Dota 2
Stratz Stratz GraphQL API Pulsefire pulsefire-like client (see below)
OpenDota OpenDota API Pulsefire pulsefire-like client (see below)
Riot Games Riot Games API Pulsefire pulsefire
Twitch Twitch API Twitchio twitchio
Github GitHub API Twitch githubkit
Github Steam Web API Pulsefire pulsefire-like client (see above)
WolframAlpha WolframAlpha API Just aiohttp requests