Taskr is born as a school project by Alejandro Núñez Pérez as his final test for the 2 year course of Multiplatform Application Development in the school IES Saladillo, located in Algeciras, Cádiz, Spain.
The project is mainly aimed as a Django-based web service that lets users manage (you guessed) tasks. This bare idea is to be expanded with the addition of a group system, where many users can post their tasks and have other users mark them as completed, a tag system, allowing users tag their to provide a better context, and a public API for 3rd party developers to design applications that interact with Taskr.
- Task management.
- Website front-end.
- Public API, giving access to 3rd party developers to expand the Taskr ecosystem with clients and utilities.
- Task tagging, so users can provide a context and organize their tasks.
- Group functionality, allowing user interaction and collaboration.
Taskr could not have been created without the help of: