This project is a comprehensive Library Management System (LMS) built using MYSQL as the backend database.
The Purpose and Goals of the Project -
Efficient Resource Management: To effectively manage and track the library's collection, including cataloging, classification, and inventory management.
User Accessibility: To provide easy access to library resources through features like search functionality.
Automation of Processes: To automate routine tasks such as issuing and returning items, generating reports.
Analytics and Reporting: To provide insights into library usage patterns, circulation trends, and resource popularity through data analytics and reporting capabilities.
- Reduce costs associated with staffing, materials tracking, maintenance.
- Allow for materials metadata reporting.
- Trend analysis
- Enhanced reputational benefits for both management and staff
User Accounts Datasource (Synthetic data):
- Description: User account information is sourced from CSV files sourced through website "".
- Data Format: The data is stored in comma-separated values (CSV) files, with each file representing users ,Transactions, Books. Fields include user_ID, name, email, PhoneNmuber.
- Challenges: Generating synthetic data that closely matches the characteristics of real data for a particlar use case requires customization which is done through PANDAS library.
External Data Sources (CSV files):
- Description: Additional metadata and external data sources, such as book summaries are sourced through website "".
- Data Format: Fields include book title, author, synopsis, ISBN, and URL.
Transactions Accounts Datasource (Synthetic data):
- Description: User account information is sourced from CSV files sourced through website "".
- Data Format: The data is stored in comma-separated values (CSV) files, with each file representing users ,Transactions, Books. Fields include user_ID, name, email, PhoneNmuber.
- Challenges: Integrating user account data from multiple CSV files posed challenges in data synchronization and it requires customization which is done through PANDAS library..
BOOKS: Represents the book in a library.
- Attributes:
- Author
- Genre
- Publication_Year
- Quantity_Available
USERS: Represents a library member.
- Attributes:
- FirstName
- LastName
- PhoneNumber
- Attributes:
- Transaction_ID
- Borrow_Date
- Due_Date
- Return_Date
- TRANSACTION-BOOK: Many-to-one relationship between transactions and books. Each transaction is associated with one book, but a book can be into multiple transactions.
- TRANSACTION-USER: Many-to-one relationship between transactions and users. Each transaction is associated with one user, but a user can have multiple transactions.
- Each BOOK must have a unique BOOK_ID.
- Each USER must have a unique USER_ID.
- Each TRANSACTION must have a unique TRANSACTION_ID.
- Foreign key constraints ensure referential integrity between related tables (e.g., BID in Transactions table refernces BOOK_ID in Books table).
- MYSQL Queries for creating database - Download Library_DB.sql
1. Queries:
- MYSQL Queries for testing -Download Library_Queries.sql
- Retrieve a list of all books available in the library.
- Find out who has borrowed a specific book.
- List all overdue books.
- Display the history of transactions for a particular user.
- Calculate the total number of books borrowed by a user.
2. Relationships:
- MYSQL Queries for making Relationship while creating database - Download Library_DB.sql
- Establish relationships between the tables (e.g., Books and Transactions through BookID).
- Ensure referential integrity by setting up appropriate constraints.
3. Indexing:
- MYSQL Queries for Indexing - Download Library_Indexing.sql
- Index important columns for faster retrieval, like BookID, UserID, etc.
- MYSQL Queries for Views - Download Library_View.sql
- Create views to simplify complex queries or frequently used combinations of data.
5. Procedures/Functions:
- MYSQL Procedure function for borrowing books - Download Library_StoredProcedure_borrow.sql
- MYSQL Procedure function for returning books - Download Library_StoredProcedure_return.sql
- Develop stored procedures for common tasks (e.g., borrowing a book, returning a book).
6. Triggers:
- MYSQL Trigger function for Quantity decrease while borrowing books - Download Library_Trigger_Borrow.sql
- MYSQL Trigger function for Quantity increase while returning books - Download Library_Trigger_Return.sql
- Implement triggers for automatic updates (e.g., decrease QuantityAvailable when a book is borrowed).