reference: repo:
1. 原图通过selective search找到proposals,
2. 在原图上裁剪ROI,resize,然后经过CNN提取特征,
3. 分别进行SVM分类和bbox回归
Fast RCNN:
1. 原图通过selective search找到proposals,
2. 原图经过CNN得到特征图,
3. 在特征图上裁剪ROI,ROIPooling到固定特征图尺寸,
4. 全连接层得到特征向量,
5. 分别进行softmax分类和bbox回归
* 核心创新点在CNN提取特征只需做一次,而不是每个proposal做一次
Faster RCNN:
1. 原图经过CNN得到特征图,
2. 通过RPN head找到proposals,
3. 在特征图上裁剪ROI,ROIPooling到固定特征图尺寸,
4. 分别进行softmax分类和bbox回归
* 核心创新点在RPN
1. 原图经过CNN得到特征图,这里backbone用了resnet-fpn,因为还有分割任务
2. 通过RPN head找到proposals,
3. 在特征图上裁剪ROI,ROIAlign到固定特征图尺寸,
4. detector branch,还是跟FasterRCNN一样
5. seg branch,全卷积,特征图尺度的heatmap
* 核心创新点在ROIAlign和mask branch
* Fast R-CNN detector
1. 训练RPN
2. 用上一步RPN的结果训练独立的detector(backbone+detector+离线proposals)
3. 用上一步的detector初始化RPN,冻住更新后的backbone,只fine-tune RPN head
4. 用上一步RPN的结果fine-tune detector,保持backbone冻住,用更新的RPN提供propsals,只fine-tune detection head
* 2016年的论文,没到那个年代
* batch size较小(1/2),采样postive和计算topK都是per sample的,没share among data,或许可以考虑IN?
basic block: conv-relu & maxpooling
13 conv layers: [2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
stride 16: [2,2,2,2,1],去掉了block5的maxpooling
pretrained ImageNet weights
input: raw image of any size
outputs: a set of rectangular object proposals with objectness scores
nearly cost-free RPN: 全卷积
* 3x3 conv + relu, channel 256/512
* 然后接两个分支conv:
box branch:1x1 conv,channel 4k
cls branch:1x1 conv,channel 2k with softmax / channel k with sigmoid
* zero-mean & 0.01-std Gaussian初始化
postprocess on rpn网络的raw outputs
* take topk boxes
* clip boundary
* remove small boxes
* remove low score boxes
* nms
* keep topk boxes
* 每个location,有k个anchor,
* anchor以loc中心为中心,of multiple scales and ratios,enable to predict multi-scale objects
* k=9
* 所有cross-boundary的anchors忽略不算,不然会引入较多且较难回归的框
binary classification for each anchor
1. 和每个gt box的IoU最大的anchor为positive
2. 和任意gt box的IoU大于0.7的anchor为postive
3. 其余的anchor,如果和任意gt box的IoU小于0.3,为negative
4. 再其余的anchor为ignore,在训练分类的时候不回传梯度
* log loss
* normed by mini-batch size (256)
1. 只针对正样本计算regression loss,因为只有正样本有gt value
2. 优化目标是:pred box相对于anchor box的相对量,去fit gt box相对于anchor box的相对量
* smooth L1
* normed by locations (2400)
* reweighting factor=10, torch vision里面是[1,1,1,1], 但是我实验下来一阶段加权比不加权出框多
regression targets:
txty: (gt_center_xy - anchor_center_xy) / anchor_wh
twth: log(gt_wh/anchor_wh)
* 有正有负且无界,所以box branch输出层没有激活函数
* 线性回归:因为positive anchor与gt box比较接近,可以认为是线性关系
* randomly sample 256 anchors with balanced positives & negatives per image
* 如果正样本少于128个,就用负样本填充
* SGD:momentum=0.9,weight decay=5e-4
* lr=1e-3 for 60k,lr=1e-4 for next 20k
1. 将postprocess加进去
rpn outputs, [b,hs,ws,a,1] rpn_objectness & [b,hs,ws,a,4] rpn_boxoffset
gt boxes, [b,M,c+1+4]
outputs: proposal boxes, [b,N,4], x1y1x2y2
loop image:
1. 计算iou,为每个proposal找到最match的gt box,及其label
2. 低于给定阈值的matched iou,proposal的label设定为0/-1
3. 在proposals中采样,选取固定比例的positive & negative
4. 剩下的positive & negative样本进行encode,regression targets是proposal和gt的偏移量
given featuremap: [b,h,w,c] & rois: [b,N,4]
对每个roi,找到其在featuremap level上的整数坐标(一次近似),然后切分成整数坐标的bins(两次近似),
adopt Fast-RCNN
a view from Fast RCNN:detector训练阶段batch size不要开太大
- 因为featuremap的计算量随着batch size增大而增大,
- 而我们提取的topK平均给每个样本则越来越少,相当于浪费CNN计算一次只用一点点信息,不划算
- batch=2, RoIs=128/2 per image
ROI pooling, 得到统一尺寸的特征图, 7x7: [b,N,7,7,1024]
shared fcs: fc-relu-fc-reulu, dim=2048, [b,N,2048]
individual fc branch:
box branch: fc, dim=N*4, per-cls box offsets pred
cls branch: fc+softmax, dim=N+1, cls among N+1
multi-classification for each proposals
1. 计算proposals和gt boxes之间的iou
2. box_bg_iou_thresh: 0.5,与gt box的iou大于0.5为positive
3. box_fg_iou_thresh: 0.5,与gt box的iou小于0.5为negative
4. positive_fraction: 0.25,proposals的正负样本比例,跟rpn阶段类似
5. proposals per image: 512,按照上述比例random select
* reweighting factor=10, torch vision里面是[10,10,5,5],位移是10长宽是5
第二步训练Detector head的时候一定要冻住backbone和rpn,提供稳定、固定的proposals,不然分分钟训飞了
mean & std: a fixed mean tuple (mean/std values of the dataset)
norm: [0,1]
rescale: making the shorter side=600,max side<=1000
aug: 水平翻转
all new layers' weights: zero-mean & 0.01-std Gaussian
train & test time NMS on RPN:
* IoU thresh=0.7
* pre_nms_top_n=2000
* post_nms_top_n=2000
实际实验发现,在rpn proposals里面做了NMS以后,前景变得特别少
test time postprocess on detector head:
1. 预测所有的proposals
2. remove low scoring boxes: score_thresh=0.05
3. remove empty boxes: minsize=1e-2
4. nms per class: nms_thresh=0.5, max_detections per image=100
set use_multiprocessing=False under Win
pkg version
* tf 1.13.1
* keras 2.2.4
* CUDA 10.0
* cuDNN 7.4
* numpy 1.16
torchvision里面除了basic版本,还有使用mobilenet_v3 back和fpn的版本