This a set of info that I have been compiling while I have been working on android.
- Android Training oficial step by step training how to use Android.
- Android API guide oficial step by step guide of Android API.
- Android Studio Project Site here you can find all info relate to android development tools
- Codelabs provide a guided, tutorial, hands-on coding experience
- Android Testing Patterns a youtube playlist with all you need to know about testing.
- Android Testing Support Library provides a set of APIs that allow you to quickly build and run test code
- Advanced Android Espresso (Big Android BBQ 2015)
- Android Espresso Samples a collection of samples demonstrating different Espresso techniques.
- APK Analyzer give a X-ray look to your APK.
- [Merged Manifest Viewer] manifest_viewer a clear view of your Manifest file of all the stuff that you didn't add there.
- [UI Designer & Constraint Layout] Designer_constraint_layout It may help to create your layout quickly and easily, just using drag and drop.
- Layout Inspector drill into the view hierarchy of your app and analyze the attributes of each UI component
- Espresso Test Recorder record Espresso UI tests simply by using your app as a normal user.
- Diff Tool use this tool from the command line and also with git.
- [Structural Replace] tools_android_studio_strutural_remplacement search and replace within files
- Keyboard Shortcuts Handy shortcuts for Android Studio
- Designtime Layout Attributes attributes that are visible when the layout is rendered but not on runtime.
- Local History see every change that you have made on a file even without installing VCS
- Android Annotations
- Shrink Your Code and Resources
- Custom Tabs
- Material icons
- Timber a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
- Activity Recognition
- Vysor cast your devices screen into your desktop
- Generate POJO from JSON or JSON-Schema
- CLASSYSHARK a handy Android and Java executables viewer.
- StrictMode a developer tool which detects things you might be doing by accident.
- Profile GPU Rendering gives you a quick visual representation of how much time it takes to render the frames of a UI.
- Debug GPU overdraw shows you where your app might be doing more rendering work than necessary.
- Hierarchy Viewer visualizes your app's view hierarchy and profile the relative rendering speed for each view.
- Systrace allows you to collect and inspect timing information across an entire Android device.
- LeakCanary a memory leak detection library.
- Allocation Tracker records each memory allocation that your app performs during the profiling cycle
- Charles Proxy limit the bandwidth of your internet connection.
- Application Resource Optimizer ARO
- Fiddler debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform.
- Stetho give you access to chrome devTools, network and database inspection of your app.
- TrafficStats API
- Battery Historian is a tool to inspect battery related information and events on an Android device.
- JobSchedular or GCMManager save a lot of juice to your app using batch calls
- PostMan a great tool test your APIs
- Android Dev Official Blog all the announcement related to Android are posted here
- Android Dev Digest a Handcrafted Weekly #AndroidDev Newsletter
- Fragmented 045: Bluetooth (LE) with Dave (devunwired) Smith
- ADB 37: WebView
- Fragmented 049: Translating an app
- The expert's guide to Android development tools I/O 2016 take an in-depth look into some of the advanced features of Android Studio.
- Why gradle Xavier Ducrohet describe Gradel Android build system at Google I/O 2013
- Android Design in Action Responsive Design various elements of Android Design.
- Android Design in Action playlist elements of Android Design.
- Myths Busting HTTPS some common myths and fears about HTTPS
- Experts App Clinic best practices when building apps for billions - Google I/O 2016
- Improve your builds speed
- Lesson 25: Android From the Trenches
- Kotlin: A New Hope in a Java 6 Wasteland
- Retrofit 2 retrofit has been simplifying HTTP calls for years, and this v2.0 is no different.
- A Crash Course in Open Source Licensing
- App Standby vs Doze: Understanding System Sleep crash course on Doze mode
- Location, and Context, and Speed -- Oh My! (Big Android BBQ 2015)
- Enable Android Studio's "Dex In Process" for Faster App Builds
- What are you doing on the tiny mobile Network?
- Deep Dive Into the Gradle Based Android Build System
- Android for Java Developers (Big Android BBQ 2015)
- Twitter Flight 2015 - Building Mobile Applications for Unreliable Networks by Jie Jin
- Functional MVVM using RxJava and Android Data Binding - Manas Chaudhari, TinyOwl/Runnr
- GOTO 2016 Exploring RxJava 2 for Android Jake Wharton
- GOTO 2016 Efficient Android Layouts Daniel Lew
- Droidcon Zagreb 2016 Android reactive programming with RxJava Ivan Morgillo
- Google I/O 2013 Volley Easy, Fast Networking for Android
- Caster IO advanced android courses give for specialist.
- Moshi a modern JSON library for Android and Java.
- OkHttp an HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
- Retrofit type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
- Retrofit
- Volley Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster.
- Sqlbrite a lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.
- Glide an image loading and caching library
- Picasso allows for hassle-free image loading in your application.
- Thumbor is a smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, resizing and flipping of images.
- Pollexor Java client for the Thumbor image service.
- Fresco An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
- Google Maps Android API Utility Library Looking for advanced features to add to your maps, this is what you were looking forr.
- Android Universal Music Player sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form
- Material Witness
- Google I/O 2015 Codelabs
- ExoPlayer ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet.
- Open Source Android Apps collection of Android Apps which are open source
- GOTO 2016 Better Android Development with Kotlin and Gradle by Ty Smith
- GOTO 2016 Kotlin - Ready for Production by Hadi Hariri
- Talking Kotlin a Kotlin Podcast
- Youtube gaming create a video demo for your app.