Solutions to practical assignments of Artificial Intelligence course (CE-417) at Sharif University of Technology
This repository contains solutions for the practical assignments given in the AI course, covering various essential topics in artificial intelligence. Each assignment implements a specific AI technique or algorithm to solve real-world problems, showcasing the theoretical concepts in action.
Implements the A* search algorithm to solve an elevator scheduling problem where students and professors must be transported between two floors, following specific constraints.
Problem Description: The elevator needs to move students and professors between two floors with the following constraints:
- No floor should have more students than professors (if professors are present).
- The solution must ensure that all students and professors are transferred safely across floors.
Approach: The problem is represented as a graph, where each state is described by the number of students and professors on each floor, and the position of the elevator. A* uses a heuristic to search for the optimal path from the initial to the final state, ensuring efficiency and optimality.
Comparison with DFS:
The A* algorithm outperforms DFS in terms of finding shorter paths, thanks to its heuristic function, though it explores more states.See this file for more details.
Demonstrates optimization using the Simulated Annealing algorithm for solving the Knapsack problem.
Problem Description: The Knapsack problem involves selecting a subset of items with specific weights and values to maximize the total value without exceeding a given weight limit.
Approach: Simulated Annealing is a probabilistic algorithm that explores the solution space by accepting worse solutions with decreasing probability over time (as the temperature cools). This helps escape local optima and leads to a near-optimal solution.
The algorithm finds an average best solution with a value of approximately 2595.05 over multiple runs, demonstrating its effectiveness in solving the Knapsack problem.See this file for more details.
The Cryptarithmetic Puzzle is a puzzle where the digits of some numbers are replaced with letters to make a mathematical equation. Each letter represents a unique digit from 0 to 9 (in case of base 10). The puzzle has the following constraints:
- Each letter can be replaced by a digit from 0 to 9 (in case of base 10), but no digit can be used twice.
- Each letter must be replaced by the same digit throughout the puzzle.
- The leftmost digit of each number cannot be zero.
Minimax algorithm for game-playing agents with alpha-beta pruning.
Implementation of Q-learning with tabular updates for reinforcement learning.
A simple chat system utilizing reinforcement learning for decision-making.
Building and inference on Bayesian networks for probabilistic reasoning.
Implementing decision tree algorithms for classification tasks.
In this notebook I implemented Logistic Regression from scratch. First I implemented all the needed function in order to use Logistic Regression. After that I tested my implementation on a dummy dataset and visualize the model boundary. Then I did the same on a tweet sentiment classification dataset.
Steps: - Creating Dummy Dataset - Implementing model - Implementing training - Training on a Tweet Sentiment Analysis Dataset (Ungraded)
First dataset:
Second dataset:
Tweet Sentiment Analysis Dataset:
In this part I used the logistic regression model I implemented to classify whether a tweet contains a postivie or negative sentiment.
The accuracy:
The result:
Professor Mohammad Hossein Rohban
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