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Artificial Intelligence 🤖🧠

Solutions to practical assignments of Artificial Intelligence course (CE-417) at Sharif University of Technology

This repository contains solutions for the practical assignments given in the AI course, covering various essential topics in artificial intelligence. Each assignment implements a specific AI technique or algorithm to solve real-world problems, showcasing the theoretical concepts in action.

Table of Contents

  • A*:

    Implements the A* search algorithm to solve an elevator scheduling problem where students and professors must be transported between two floors, following specific constraints.

    A* Algorithm GIF

    Problem Description: The elevator needs to move students and professors between two floors with the following constraints:

    • No floor should have more students than professors (if professors are present).
    • The solution must ensure that all students and professors are transferred safely across floors.

    Approach: The problem is represented as a graph, where each state is described by the number of students and professors on each floor, and the position of the elevator. A* uses a heuristic to search for the optimal path from the initial to the final state, ensuring efficiency and optimality.

    Comparison with DFS:
    The A* algorithm outperforms DFS in terms of finding shorter paths, thanks to its heuristic function, though it explores more states.

    See this file for more details.

  • Simulated_Annealing:

    Demonstrates optimization using the Simulated Annealing algorithm for solving the Knapsack problem.

    Problem Description: The Knapsack problem involves selecting a subset of items with specific weights and values to maximize the total value without exceeding a given weight limit.

    Approach: Simulated Annealing is a probabilistic algorithm that explores the solution space by accepting worse solutions with decreasing probability over time (as the temperature cools). This helps escape local optima and leads to a near-optimal solution.

    The algorithm finds an average best solution with a value of approximately 2595.05 over multiple runs, demonstrating its effectiveness in solving the Knapsack problem.

    See this file for more details.

  • Cryptarithmetic_Puzzle:

    The Cryptarithmetic Puzzle is a puzzle where the digits of some numbers are replaced with letters to make a mathematical equation. Each letter represents a unique digit from 0 to 9 (in case of base 10). The puzzle has the following constraints:

    • Each letter can be replaced by a digit from 0 to 9 (in case of base 10), but no digit can be used twice.
    • Each letter must be replaced by the same digit throughout the puzzle.
    • The leftmost digit of each number cannot be zero.
  • Adversarial_Search:

    Minimax algorithm for game-playing agents with alpha-beta pruning.

  • Q_Tabular:

    Implementation of Q-learning with tabular updates for reinforcement learning.

  • RL_Chat:

    A simple chat system utilizing reinforcement learning for decision-making.

  • Bayesian_Networks:

    Building and inference on Bayesian networks for probabilistic reasoning.

  • Decision_Tree:

    Implementing decision tree algorithms for classification tasks.

  • Logistic_Regression:

    In this notebook I implemented Logistic Regression from scratch. First I implemented all the needed function in order to use Logistic Regression. After that I tested my implementation on a dummy dataset and visualize the model boundary. Then I did the same on a tweet sentiment classification dataset.

    Steps: - Creating Dummy Dataset - Implementing model - Implementing training - Training on a Tweet Sentiment Analysis Dataset (Ungraded)

    First dataset:

    Dataset Result

    Second dataset:

    Dataset Result

    Tweet Sentiment Analysis Dataset:

    In this part I used the logistic regression model I implemented to classify whether a tweet contains a postivie or negative sentiment.

    The accuracy:


    The result:


Instructor ✍

Professor Mohammad Hossein Rohban

Contribution 👥

Feel free to fork this repository, submit pull requests, or raise issues if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.