All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Extension constants are now separated out from user settings
- Documentation now matches Chrome add-on store specifications
- AniList login now works properly after failing due to a mismatch between the redirecturl it generates and the one stored in AniList's client db
- User customized settings no longer completely overwrite defaults (which may include options that the user defined settings haven't seen yet)
- Options are now properly set before an attempt is made to access them
- Support for AniList
- Doesn't work for Firefox until the fix for the bug I reported is included in a release, which as of right now is ESR60.3 and release 63 (the latter of which comes out 2018-10-23)
- Support for Kitsu
- The manner in which PTW Extender generates the comments/notes box is now done more securely
- The context menu option and all sorts of documentation now reflect that PTW Extender works with multiple sites and not just MAL
- Options page
- Shows up on install/update
- Includes this changelog and an explanation of permissions
- Now features lots more options
- MAL notifications now include the title when it's added to your list successfully
- Current date/time gets printed alongside the url
- Made it so opening the advanced view would be via a simulated button click instead of messing with CSS
- Options/settings page (and correspondingly options)
- Display notifications
- Prettified comments box (implemented only for MAL thus far)
- MAL as a list site option
- Autosubmit
- Take some action post autosubmit
- Changelog
- Don't change status to ptw if it's not listed as watching or if any number of episodes/volumes/chapters are listed as watched
- Instead of using the runtime.onInstalled listener to generate the context menu, just remove them all every time the background script is run and re-add them.
- Attempted to fix bug where the context menu wasn't showing up
- Notifications
- Most nearly everything: separated code into different files and functions, rewrote a lot of code to use promises, etc.
- Build file should only create
directory if it doesn't already exist
- Support for Chrome
- Started using the WebExtension
API Polyfill - Build file to convert from the icon from SVG to variously sized PNGs and move libraries over from the node_modules directory
- Support for manga
- Use IDs in selectors as opposed to tags and other stuff
- Autoreveal the advanced section for MAL extended information screens
- MAL went down and then also changed their urls around, so now PTW Extender is using MAL's new url system
- Basic functionality, i.e. bring up the MAL page for the show and add the url to the comment section for it while making adding the show to your ptw list