These jupyter notebooks make up the pipeline to create an accessible network and plan routes on that network given a set of user preferences. The notebooks should be run in the order than is listed below.
- It is not neccessary to run notebook 5 for demonstration purposes. Labelled point clouds have been provided in the output folder.
- Notebooks 1 untill 9 should be run using the network generation environment (steps 2a untill 2c in the installation process).
- Notebook 10 should be run using the route planning environment (step 3 in the installation process).
1. Pilot area extraction -- obtain geojson of area for accessible network.
- 2a. Create basic walking network -- create a basic walking network to navigate on.
- 2b. Create bike network -- create the bike network to navigate on.
- 2c. Create road network -- create road network (car and bicycle roads) which is used to determine if generated crossings are valid
3. Project sidewalk widths onto network -- project and add sidewalk widths to the walking network generated in step 2a.
4. Generate crossings from OpenStreetMap, Project Sidewalk and traffic sign features
- 4a. Get OpenStreetMap crossing features -- obtain crossing features from OSM which are used to generate crossings.
- 4b. Get Project Sidewalk crossing features -- obtain crossing features from Project Sidewalk which are used to generate crossings.
- 4c. Get traffic sign features -- obtain crossing features from traffic signs which are used to generate crossings.
- 4d. Generate crossings from OSM, Project Sidewalk and traffic sign features -- generate crossings from features retrieved in steps 4a, 4b and 4c.
5. Ground and road fusion -- obtain point clouds which have a labelled ground and road which are used to calculate curb height.
6. Generate crossings from curb height information
- 6a. Get curb heights -- obtain curb heights from point clouds to generate crossings.
- 6a. Generate crossings from curb height information -- generate crossings from curb height information.
7. Add public transport stops to the network
- 7a. Get public transport stop features -- obtain public transport stop features.
- 7b. Generate public transport stop connections -- obtain edges that connect the walking network and public transport stops.
8. Generate walking and bike connections -- obtain edges that connect the walking and bike network.
9. Merge networks and crossings -- merge the walking network, bike network, crossings and public transport stops.
10. Plan routes -- plan routes on the accessible network given a set of user preferences.