CRUD Web application for managing applications in the printing house. Provides separation of access to data by roles Administrator, Manager, Accountant. Realised two types of applications: task and stencil. After add or edit, Tasks can be send to partner by email. For printing applications used export to PDF format. Also, user can filtered data and export result to Excel format.
To using necessary:
- JDK 1.8 or later
- Maven
- MySQL database
- Jasper report
- added tests coverage;
- added analytic's page;
- added emailing on stencils change;
- refactored with generics;
- added filters on orders views;
Stable version with realisation:
- tasks: add, edit, delete, send to contractor, reports;
- stencils: add, edit, delete, reports, calculate 'ink-prints' by days;
- users: add, edit, delete, access by roles, password managing;
- directories: add, edit, delete;
- refactor DB with contragents and employees;
- add docker support;