This application is a blog site where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers' posts. This tool helps developers to communicate about technical concepts, recent advancements, or new technologies.
This application runs on the browser.
The link to access the deploy application is:
- From the homepage you can read existing posts.
- To be able to comment/add posts, you need to signup/login.
- From the homepage you can click on any post title to see comments and add new comments.
- In the dashboard, the user can see their current posts, and update them or delete them. User can also add a new post.
The website looks like the following images (homepage, dashboard, login, edit/delete post, and view single post pages):
- Mini-Project and other activities from MVC Module used as reference.
NPM packages:
- Express
- MySQL2
- Sequelize
- Express-handlebars
- Express-session
- Connect-session-sequelize
- Dotenv
- Bcrypt
Other resources:
Bootstrap Library.
Nested include in sequelize?
How to use a input value from inside handlebar .hbs template:
Project under MIT license.