This project is designed to mimic the Pokédex found in the cartoon show Pokémon and is built using HTML, Bootstrap, some CSS and JavaScript. The Pokédex will load the Pokémon data from an external API. A list of Pokémon will be displayed which will show Pokémon details if clicked on.
The purpose for this Pokédex remake was to learn how to integrate the Bootstrap framework instead of pure css.
To run this project I recommend using a modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, etc. You can download the files from my github repository and run the index.html file.
Bootstrap Ver 4.3.1
Promise-Fill JS
Fetch JS
Visual Studio Code: Ver 1.53.2 Extensions:
- ESLint: Ver 7.21.0: eslint-config-airbnb-base@14.2.1, eslint-config-jquery@3.0.0, eslint-plugin-import@2.22.1, eslint-plugin-jquery@1.5.1
- Node.js: Ver 12.18.3