If you use this docker image, you accept the SAP DEVELOPER LICENSE AGREEMENT. See for details.
This image is under development, don't use it for a productive environment
Container allow faster and easy deployment.
Details about the cloud connector can be found here:
sudo docker image build --tag "andreasferdinand/cloudconnector:latest" .
sudo docker run -d --name "cloudconnector" -p 8443:8443/tcp "andreasferdinand/cloudconnector:latest" --restart unless-stopped
Install Docker
For details regarding the installation see
Either download the file with your browser or use
to get it on your computer.curl -o Dockerfile
Build the image
During the build process, the latest Java version and latest Cloud Connector versions are determined automatically. If specific versions must be used, the
argument could be used:--build-arg JAVA_DOWNLOAD_FILE=additional/sapjvm-8.1.096-linux-x64.rpm
--build-arg CC_DOWNLOAD_FILE=additional/
An optional proxy server to download the needed ressources can be set to:
--build-arg https_proxy=https://my.proxy:8888
If neccessary add the above mentioned arguments to the build command:
sudo docker image build --tag "andreasferdinand/cloudconnector:latest" .
Run the container
sudo docker run -d --name "cloudconnector" -p 8443:8443/tcp "andreasferdinand/cloudconnector:latest" --restart unless-stopped
Open Cloud Connector UI
To access the Cloud Connector UI open the address https://localhost:8443 in your browser. Since a self-signed certificate is used, you will see a certificate warning. To log on use the following default credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
Only the log files are persited in a volume outside of the container. Configuration, certificates, etc. are not persisted on the host computer! To save the configuration use the backups.
As mentioned on backups can be created using the configuration API. To export the configuration used in the container, the following command needs to be executed on the host computer:
curl -k --fail -u Administrator https://localhost:8443/api/v1/configuration/backup -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"password\":\"<PASSWORD>\"}" -o CloudConnectorBackup_$(date -I).zip
Some files inside the backup file are encrypted. Replace the token <PASSWORD>
to set a suitable password. Since the API requires authentication, you will be asked for the password of your Administrator
A backup cannot be restored on a clean installation. In order to import it, you first have to log on and set a new password for the Administrator
To restore the backup use the follwoing command.
curl -k --fail -u Administrator https://localhost:8444/api/v1/configuration/backup -X PUT -F 'password=<PASSWORD>' -F backup=@<BACKUPFILE>
token needs to be replaces with the password used during creation of the backup, where as <BACKUPFILE>
must be replaced with the name of the backup file. Again, the API requires the passoword for the Administrator
-user, which is requested at command invocation.
sudo docker exec -it cloudconnector /bin/bash
sudo docker container rm <conteinerid>
The container uses 3 volumes. If the container and the volumes aren't needed more, all (not only volumes related to the cloud connctor container) orphaned volumes can be deleted using the following command:
sudo docker volume prune
To view orphaned volumes use:
sudo docker volume ls -f "dangling=true"
When a backup is restored, the configuration files will be deleted. If the directories are mounted outside the container they cannot be deleted and therefor backup restoration doesn't work.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
You are welcome to send feedback, improvements, pull requests or bug reports.