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Jenkins JSON API TypeScript Typings


This library offers a set of classes to use when working with Jenkins JSON API. Jenkins Job, Build, Actions, Health Report, User, View, Changeset and Node / Computer are supported

Installation and usage

Install from NPM:

In your project's root folder:

npm install --save jenkins-api-ts-typings

In systemjs.config.js:

map: {
    'jenkins-api-ts-typings': 'npm:jenkins-api-ts-typings'
packages: {
    'jenkins-api-ts-typings': {
        main: './dist/jenkins-api-ts-typings.es6.js', 
        defaultExtension: 'js'

Build from source:

In the project's root folder, after git clone:

npm install
npm run build-pkg

This generates in the /dist folder:

  • the full unpacked artifact (including the git revision built - gitinfo)
  • the library's packed artifact file (.tar.gz)

Run tests:

npm run test

Run tests with linting and coverage reporting:

npm run test:prod

This library is based on this excellent TS starter kit, so all commands/scripts described in there are also available for this library.


After installation, just import normally:

import { IJenkinsBuild } from 'jenkins-api-ts-typings';
import { JenkinsBuild } from 'jenkins-api-ts-typings';

For each class, you can feed it the corresponding Jenkins JSON response:

let jsonText = // some JSON string that Jenkins returns
let build: IJenkinsBuild = new JenkinsBuild();

or, more simply, without using JSON.stringify (since version 0.3.0):

let json = // some JSON
let build: IJenkinsBuild = new JenkinsBuild();

Features and limitations

  • Some of the types are not as of yet supported, and as such are defined as any within their containing objects: -- Job: actions, health report, property, queue item, scm, modules -- Build: actions, artifacts, maven artifacts, executor, culprits -- Changeset: paths -- Node: actions, executors, load statistics, monitor data, offline cause, one off executors Some of these properties will be implemented in the future. Also, if json data is found in the response, these values are set (while maintaining any type)
  • When calling fromJsonString(jsonData:string) on an object, the JSON string parameter value is also kept, and accessible later via getJsonData()
  • Sub objects (i.e. builds of a job, user of a changeset) are not automatically parsed from JSON, they need to be parsed separately and then set into their container
  • All array objects (including Array<any> types) are automatically initialized in the class contructors. All value objects (string, number, etc) remain as undefined until they are set:
let build:IJenkinsBuild = new JenkinsBuild();
build.url === undefined     // true === undefined    // true
build.actions === undefined // false
build.actions.length        // 0