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Peg-in-hole assembly with RL


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Leveraging Procedural Generation for Learning Autonomous Peg-in-Hole Assembly in Space

This project focuses on learning autonomous peg-in-hole assembly with deep reinforcement learning, with a particular emphasis on enhancing generalization and adaptability through procedural generation and domain randomization.

SAC agent collecting experience during training.

DreamerV3 agent evaluated on novel test set and assembly scenarios.


As a proof-of-concept, the environment logic and training/evaluation pipelines are implemented in Rust. Blender's Geometry Nodes are used for procedural generation of peg-in-hole modules via blr. NVIDIA Omniverse is used as the simulation backend through omniverse_rs and pxr_rs for USD-related utilities. Gymnasium API is exposed by gymnasium_rs. Lastly, interfacing with Stable-Baselines3 and DreamerV3 is accomplished with Rust bindings that are automatically generated by pyo3_bindgen.

The workspace contains these packages:

  • drl_omni_peg: Peg-in-hole environment and RL training/evaluation pipelines




You can install Rust and Cargo through your package manager or via

Generation of Procedural Peg-in-Hole Modules

The procedural generation of peg-in-hole modules is now available at AndrejOrsula/blr_procgen. Both train and test sets can be generated using separate binaries: generate_peg_in_hole_train and generate_peg_in_hole_test.

Random Agent

A random agent can be run either via or The former uses the environment directly, while the latter goes through the Gymnasium API.

# Run random agent
cargo run --release --bin random
# (alternative) Run random agent through Gymnasium API
cargo run --release --bin random_gymnasium

Training and Evaluation of RL Agents

Each algorithm is implemented as a separate binary. You can edit the source code directly to modify the hyperparameters and change the training/evaluation pipeline. Pre-trained models are available for download here.

# ALGO in [dreamerv3, ppo, ppo_recurrent, sac, tqc, trpo]
cargo run --release --bin ALGO


To install Docker on your system, you can run .docker/host/install_docker.bash to configure Docker with NVIDIA GPU support.


Build Image

To build a new Docker image from Dockerfile, you can run .docker/build.bash as shown below.

.docker/build.bash ${TAG:-latest} ${BUILD_ARGS}

Run Container

To run the Docker container, you can use .docker/run.bash as shown below.

.docker/run.bash ${TAG:-latest} ${CMD}

Run Dev Container

To run the Docker container in a development mode (source code mounted as a volume), you can use .docker/dev.bash as shown below.

.docker/dev.bash ${TAG:-latest} ${CMD}

As an alternative, users familiar with Dev Containers can modify the included .devcontainer/devcontainer.json to their needs. For convenience, .devcontainer/open.bash script is available to open this repository as a Dev Container in VS Code.


Join Container

To join a running Docker container from another terminal, you can use .docker/join.bash as shown below.

.docker/join.bash ${CMD:-bash}


  author    = {Andrej Orsula and Matthieu Geist and Miguel Olivares-Mendez and Carol Martinez},
  title     = {{Leveraging Procedural Generation for Learning Autonomous Peg-in-Hole Assembly in Space}},
  year      = {2024},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Space Robotics (iSpaRo)},


This project is dual-licensed to be compatible with the Rust project, under either the MIT or Apache 2.0 licenses.