Find & Replace plugin for ProseMirror
Open your project in command prompt and run:
npm install prosemirror --save
npm install prosemirror-find-replace --save
In your ProseMirror initialization script:
import { ProseMirror } from "prosemirror"
import "prosemirror-find-replace"
let pm = new ProseMirror({
place: document.querySelector("#target"),
find: {}
The following options can be passed in the find object when ProseMirror is initialized:
atuoSelectNext (Boolean, default: true): Moves user selection to the next find match after and find or replace
findClass (String, default:"find"): Class to apply to find matches
A simple, default set of commands is included, if you choose to use them:
import { ProseMirror, CommandSet } from "prosemirror/dist/edit"
import { findCommands } from "prosemirror-find-replace"
let pm = new ProseMirror({
place: document.querySelector("#target"),
find: {},
commands: CommandSet.default.add(findCommands)
find (Meta + F) - Highlights all matches of find term, selects next one if autoSelectNext
option is true
findNext (Alt + Meta + F) - Moves selection to next match of previous find
replace (Shift + Meta + F) - Finds next match and replaces it
replaceAll (Shift + Alt + Meta + F) - Finds and replaces all matches
clearFind (No shortcut) - Clears highlighted find results
To run a quick demo (based on ProseMirror demo) run the following from the prosemirror-find-replace
directory in command prompt:
npm install
npm install prosemirror
(npm > 3 will not install peerDependencies for you)
npm run demo
Then connect to http://localhost:8080
in your browser