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todo and issues

  1. animation interpolation

    now generate every frame,

    should generate only frames containing in source animation

  2. python bind

    a. copy dll to package

  3. ik part not implement

  4. fbx sdk, replace assimp lib

    assimp import and export fbx not stable

  5. render part not implement

    cross platform

    RHI of d3d12/vulkan/metal, no OpenGL



1. mac 
2. linux
3. windows

1. clang 17
2. msvc 17
3. gcc 17



sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev


pip install .

python python/

cmake option

// with assimp project embedded

// assimp as static lib

// release

general build

rm -rf build
cmake . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --config Release -j 16



// here use gcc

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

rm -rf build
mkdir build && cd build
make -j16


rm -rf build
mkdir build && cd build

// for xcode project
cmake .. -GXcode

// without xcode
cmake .. --DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j16


rm -rf build
mkdir build && cd build

cmake ..

// with visual studio
open ikrigretarget.sln with visual studio
set testikrigretarget as start project

// without visual studio
cmake --build .

build release

mkdir build && cd build
make VERBOSE=1


coordinate hand

all the coodinate system is right hand.

transform represent

reference: Game Engine Architexture chapter 5.3.2

Points and vectors can be represented as row matrices (1Ă— n) or column matrices (n Ă— 1)

row represent:   

$$v1=\begin{bmatrix}x & y & z\end{bmatrix}$$

col represent:   

$$ v2=\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \\ \end{bmatrix} = v1^T $$

the choice between column and row vectors affect the order of matrix multiply

apply matrix to vector:

row vector:    $$v1_{1 \times n} = v1_{1 \times n} \times M_{n \times n}$$

col vector:    $$v2_{n \times 1} = M_{n \times n} \times v2_{n \times 1}$$

multiple matrix concatenate, apply M1 first, then M2:

$$v1 = v1 \times M1 \times M2$$

$$v2 = M2 \times M1 \times v2$$

the represent also affect the element order of matrix.

example of translation matrix for homogeneous coordinate:

row vector:

$$M_{translation}= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ tx & ty & tz & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}$$

col vector:

$$M_{translation}= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & tx \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & ty \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & tz \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}$$

storage order

the matrix can store in row major or col major.

the store order does not affect the represent, but it affect the element order in memory

to access element:

row major: m[row][col]

col major: m[col][row]

transform in our code

        hand        : right hand
        represent   : col vector
        store order : col major
SoulFTransform SoulRetargeter.h SoulIKRetargetProcessor.h
    Here we keep Unreal represent, but use right hand
    Unreal FTransform 
        hand        : right hand
        represent   : row vector
        store order : row major

        hand        : right hand
        represent   : col vector
        store order : row major

quaternion order

order of all quat: right is first

quaternion interpolation

slerp is linear interpolation on arc of 4d unit sphere.

fastlerp is linear interpolation on chord of 4d unit sphere.

because chord and arc mapping not uniform, so fastlerp will lead to unequall speed of each time step.

skeleton pose transform

reference: game engine architecture chapter 12.3.3

joint local space: the space of joint

global space: in world space or model space, because we does not care about transform outside model, so we choose model space.

to transform local pose to global pose(model space), only walking the skeleton hierarchy from current joint all the way to root.

denote transform from joint j local space to its parent space:


row represent:

$$P_{5->M} = P_{5->4} \times P_{4->3} \times P_{3->0} \times P_{0->M}$$

col represent:

$$P_{5->M} = P_{0->M} \times P_{3->0} \times P_{4->3} \times P_{5->4} $$

pose transform

root retarget

root retarget: retarget position by height ratio

    source.InitialHeightInverse = 1/ root.z
    target.initialHeight = root.z
    target.root.translation = source.root.translation *  target.initialHeight * source.InitialHeightInverse

chain FK retarget

chain FK retarget: copy global rotation delta

    foreach chain:
        foreach joint:
            record initialPoseGlobal, initialPoseLocal
            reset currentPoseGlobal
retarget(inputPoseGlobal, outposeGlobal):
    foreach chain:
        foreach joint:

            // apply parent transform to child to get position
            currentPositionGlobal = apply parrent.currentPoseGlobal to initialPoseLocal

            // copy global rotation delta
            deltaRotationGlobal = inputPoseGlobal.currentRotationGlboal / source.initalRotationGlboal
            currentRotationGlboal = initialRotationGlobal * deltaRotationGlobal

            // copy global scale delta
            currentScaleGlobal = TargetInitialScaleGlobal + (SourceCurrentScaleGlobal - SourceInitialScaleGlobal);

            // pose from position and rotation
            currentPoseGlobal = (currentPositionGlobal, currentRotationGlboal)
            outposeGlobal[boneIndex] =  currentPoseGlobal

chain IK retarget

// chain IK retarget

Pole Match retarget

// pole match retarget

render of joint pose animation

Here we use column vector represent

jointMat and pose animation:

jointMatrix(j) = globalTransformOfJointNode(j) * inverseBindPoseMatrixForJoint(j);

currentpose.position = globalTransformOfJointNode * inverseBindPoseMatrixForJoint * bindpose.position
    bindpose.position: bind pose vertex world position 
    currentpose.position: current pose vertex world position
    inverseBindPoseMatrixForJoint: world space to joint local space of bind pose
    globalTransformOfJointNode: joint local space to world space of current pose

global transform:

for joint from root to leaf:
    globalTransformOfJointNode = parentGlobal * childLocal

skin shader: average position of several joint

attribute vec4 a_joint;
attribute vec4 a_weight;

uniform mat4 u_jointMat[JOINT_NUM];

void main(void)
    mat4 skinMat =
        a_weight.x * u_jointMat[int(a_joint.x)] +
        a_weight.y * u_jointMat[int(a_joint.y)] +
        a_weight.z * u_jointMat[int(a_joint.z)] +
        a_weight.w * u_jointMat[int(a_joint.w)];
    vec4 worldPosition = skinMat * vec4(a_position,1.0);
    vec4 cameraPosition = u_viewMatrix * worldPosition;
    gl_Position = u_projectionMatrix * cameraPosition;


working coordinate system

right hand
z up, x left, y front

front is toward screen user
back is far away from screen user

python example

import sys, os
import ikrigretarget as ir

def config_gpt_meta():

    config = ir.SoulIKRigRetargetConfig()

    config.SourceCoord      = ir.CoordType.RightHandZupYfront
    config.WorkCoord        = ir.CoordType.RightHandZupYfront
    config.TargetCoord      = ir.CoordType.RightHandYupZfront

    config.SourceRootType   = ir.ERootType.RootZMinusGroundZ
    config.TargetRootType   = ir.ERootType.RootZ

    config.SourceRootBone   = "Pelvis"
    config.SourceGroundBone = "Left_foot"
    config.TargetRootBone   = "Rol01_Torso01HipCtrlJnt_M"
    config.TargetGroundBone = "Rol01_Leg01FootJnt_L"

    ### source chain
    # name         start                 end
    config.SourceChains = [
        ir.SoulIKRigChain("spine",       "Spine1",             "Spine3"),
        ir.SoulIKRigChain("head",        "Neck",               "Head"),


    ### target chain
    config.TargetChains.append(ir.SoulIKRigChain("spine",       "Rol01_Torso0102Jnt_M",             "Rol01_Neck0101Jnt_M"))
    config.TargetChains.append(ir.SoulIKRigChain("head",        "Rol01_Neck0102Jnt_M",              "Head_M"))

    ### chain mapping
    config.ChainMapping.append(ir.SoulIKRigChainMapping(True,  False,  "spine",        "spine"))
    config.ChainMapping.append(ir.SoulIKRigChainMapping(True,  False,  "head",         "head"))


    return config

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = config_gpt_meta()

    srcAnimationFile = "gpt_motion_smpl.fbx"
    srcTPoseFile = "GPT_T-Pose.fbx"
    targetFile = "3D_Avatar2_Rig_0723.fbx"
    targetTPoseFile = "3D_Avatar2_Rig_0723_itpose.fbx"
    outFile = "out.fbx"

    ret = ir.retargetFBX(srcAnimationFile, srcTPoseFile, config.SourceRootBone, targetFile, targetTPoseFile, outFile, config)

source files

lib         // retarget implement
lib/glm     // thirdParty files, need remove if already exist in your project
test        // test project, including fbx file read write

header files

SoulRetargeter.h                // define retarget asset
SoulIKRetargetProcessor.h       // retarget processor
IKRigUtils.h                    // config define, utils for pose convert, coord system convert...
SoulScene.h                     // scene, mesh, skeleton, animation define

full example


#include "SoulScene.h"
#include "SoulRetargeter.h"
#include "SoulIKRetargetProcessor.h"
#include "IKRigUtils.hpp"
#include "FBXRW.h"

// config
TestCase testCase       = case_Flair();
auto config             = testCase.config;
CoordType srccoord      = config.SourceCoord;
CoordType workcoord     = config.WorkCoord;
CoordType tgtcoord      = config.TargetCoord;

// read fbx
std::string srcAnimationFile, srcTPoseFile, targetFile, targetTPoseFile, outfile;
getFilePaths(srcAnimationFile, srcTPoseFile, targetFile, targetTPoseFile, outfile, testCase);

SoulIK::FBXRW fbxSrcAnimation, fbxSrcTPose, fbxTarget, fbxTargetTPose;
fbxSrcAnimation.readPureSkeletonWithDefualtMesh(srcAnimationFile, config.SourceRootBone);
if(srcAnimationFile == srcTPoseFile) {
    fbxSrcTPose = fbxSrcAnimation;
} else {
    fbxSrcTPose.readPureSkeletonWithDefualtMesh(srcTPoseFile, config.SourceRootBone);
if (targetFile == targetTPoseFile) {
    fbxTargetTPose = fbxTarget;
} else {

SoulIK::SoulScene& srcscene         = *fbxSrcAnimation.getSoulScene();
SoulIK::SoulScene& srcTPoseScene    = *fbxSrcTPose.getSoulScene();
SoulIK::SoulScene& tgtscene         = *fbxTarget.getSoulScene();
SoulIK::SoulScene& tgtTPosescene    = *fbxTargetTPose.getSoulScene();
SoulIK::SoulSkeletonMesh& srcskm    = *srcscene.skmeshes[0];
SoulIK::SoulSkeletonMesh& tgtskm    = *tgtscene.skmeshes[0];

// init
SoulIK::USkeleton srcusk;
SoulIK::USkeleton tgtusk;
IKRigUtils::getUSkeletonFromMesh(srcTPoseScene, *srcTPoseScene.skmeshes[0], srcusk, srccoord, workcoord);
IKRigUtils::alignUSKWithSkeleton(srcusk, srcskm.skeleton);
IKRigUtils::getUSkeletonFromMesh(tgtTPosescene, *tgtTPosescene.skmeshes[0], tgtusk, tgtcoord, workcoord);
IKRigUtils::alignUSKWithSkeleton(tgtusk, tgtskm.skeleton); 

SoulIK::UIKRetargetProcessor ikretarget;
auto InRetargeterAsset = createIKRigAsset(config, srcskm.skeleton, tgtskm.skeleton, srcusk, tgtusk);
ikretarget.Initialize(&srcusk, &tgtusk, InRetargeterAsset.get(), false);

// build pose animation
std::vector<SoulIK::SoulPose> inposes;
std::vector<SoulIK::SoulPose> outposes;

// run retarget
for(int frame = 0; frame < inposes.size(); frame++) {
    // type cast
    IKRigUtils::SoulPose2FPose(inposes[frame], inposeLocal);

    // coord convert
    IKRigUtils::LocalPoseCoordConvert(tsrc2work, inposeLocal, srccoord, workcoord);

    // to global pose
    IKRigUtils::FPoseToGlobal(srcskm.skeleton, inposeLocal, inpose);

    // retarget
    std::vector<FTransform>& outpose = ikretarget.RunRetargeter(inpose, SpeedValuesFromCurves, DeltaTime);
    // to local pose
    IKRigUtils::FPoseToLocal(tgtskm.skeleton, outpose, outposeLocal);
    // coord convert
    IKRigUtils::LocalPoseCoordConvert(twork2tgt, outposeLocal, workcoord, tgtcoord);

    // type cast
    IKRigUtils::FPose2SoulPose(outposeLocal, outposes[frame]);

// write animation to fbx

input model

source animation    : including skeleton animation
source tpose        : tpose skeleton for source animation model
target animation    : save animation based on this model
target tpose        : tpose skeleton for target animation model

because animation model and tpose model may have different skeleton order
so need align them:

IKRigUtils::alignUSKWithSkeleton(sourceTPoseUSKeleton, sourceAnimationSkeletonMesh.skeleton);

coordtype convert

enum class CoordType: uint8_t {

wording coord   : CoordType::RightHandZupYfront
from maya       : CoordType::RightHandYupZfront

init of uskeleton

class USkeleton {
    std::string name;
    std::vector<FBoneNode> boneTree;    // each item name and parentId
    std::vector<FTransform> refpose;    // coord: Right Hand Z up Y front, local
struct FBoneNode {
    std::string name;                   // joint name
    int32_t parent;                     // joint tree relationship

root retarget config

1. define root type
2. define root name
3. if need ground bone, define ground bone type

enum class ERootType: uint8_t {
    RootZ = 0,          // height = root.translation.z
    RootZMinusGroundZ,  // height = root.translation.z - ground.translation.z
    Ignore              // skip

// root
ERootType   SourceRootType{ERootType::RootZMinusGroundZ};
std::string SourceRootBone;
std::string SourceGroundBone;
ERootType   TargetRootType{ERootType::RootZMinusGroundZ};
std::string TargetRootBone;
std::string TargetGroundBone;

chain retarget config

1. source skeleton define many chains
2. target skeleton define may chains
3. define chain mapping

struct SoulIKRigChain {
    std::string chainName;
    std::string startBone;
    std::string endBone;
struct SoulIKRigChainMapping {
    bool EnableFK{true};
    bool EnableIK{false};
    std::string SourceChain;
    std::string TargetChain;

std::vector<SoulIKRigChain> SourceChains;
std::vector<SoulIKRigChain> TargetChains;
std::vector<SoulIKRigChainMapping> ChainMapping;

put config all to IKRigRetargetAsset

// define config
struct SoulIKRigRetargetConfig {
    struct SoulIKRigChain {
        std::string chainName;
        std::string startBone;
        std::string endBone;
    struct SoulIKRigChainMapping {
        bool EnableFK{true};
        bool EnableIK{false};
        std::string SourceChain;
        std::string TargetChain;

    // coordinate system
    CoordType SourceCoord;
    CoordType WorkCoord{CoordType::RightHandZupYfront};
    CoordType TargetCoord;

    // root
    ERootType   SourceRootType{ERootType::RootZMinusGroundZ};
    std::string SourceRootBone;
    std::string SourceGroundBone;
    ERootType   TargetRootType{ERootType::RootZMinusGroundZ};
    std::string TargetRootBone;
    std::string TargetGroundBone;

    std::vector<SoulIKRigChain> SourceChains;
    std::vector<SoulIKRigChain> TargetChains;
    std::vector<SoulIKRigChainMapping> ChainMapping;

// then create Asset with config
asset = createIKRigAsset(SoulIKRigRetargetConfig& config,
                SoulSkeleton& srcsk, SoulSkeleton& tgtsk,
                USkeleton& srcusk, USkeleton& tgtusk);

// example config:

SoulIKRigRetargetConfig config;
config.SourceCoord      = CoordType::RightHandZupYfront;
config.WorkCoord        = CoordType::RightHandZupYfront;
config.TargetCoord      = CoordType::RightHandYupZfront;

config.SourceRootType   = ERootType::RootZMinusGroundZ;
config.TargetRootType   = ERootType::RootZ;

config.SourceRootBone   = "mixamorig:Hips";
config.SourceGroundBone = "mixamorig:LeftToe_End";
config.TargetRootBone   = "Rol01_Torso01HipCtrlJnt_M";
config.TargetGroundBone = "Rol01_Leg01FootJnt_L";

//config.skipRootBone = true;

config.SourceChains = {
    // name     start               end
    // spine
    {"spine",   "Spine",            "Thorax"},

    // head
    {"head",    "Neck",             "Head"},

    //{"lleg",    "LeftHip",          "LeftAnkle"},
    {"lleg1",   "LeftHip",          "LeftHip"},
    {"lleg2",   "LeftKnee",         "LeftKnee"},
    {"lleg3",   "LeftAnkle",        "LeftAnkle"},

    //{"rleg",    "RightHip",         "RightAnkle"},
    {"rleg1",   "RightHip",         "RightHip"},
    {"rleg2",   "RightKnee",        "RightKnee"},
    {"rleg3",   "RightAnkle",       "RightAnkle"},

    //{"larm",    "LeftShoulder",     "LeftWrist"},
    {"larm1",   "LeftShoulder",     "LeftShoulder"},
    {"larm2",   "LeftElbow",        "LeftElbow"},
    {"larm3",   "LeftWrist",        "LeftWrist"},
    //{"rram",    "RightShoulder",    "RightWrist"},
    {"rram1",   "RightShoulder",    "RightShoulder"},
    {"rram2",   "RightElbow",       "RightElbow"},
    {"rram3",   "RightWrist",       "RightWrist"},


config.TargetChains = {
    // name    start        end
    // spine
    {"spine",   "Rol01_Torso0102Jnt_M",     "Rol01_Neck0101Jnt_M"},

    // head
    {"head",    "Rol01_Neck0102Jnt_M",      "Head_M"},

    //{"lleg",    "Rol01_Leg01Up01Jnt_L",     "Rol01_Leg01AnkleJnt_L"},
    {"lleg1",   "Rol01_Leg01Up01Jnt_L",     "Rol01_Leg01Up01Jnt_L"},
    {"lleg2",   "Rol01_Leg01Low01Jnt_L",    "Rol01_Leg01Low01Jnt_L"},
    {"lleg3",   "Rol01_Leg01AnkleJnt_L",    "Rol01_Leg01AnkleJnt_L"},

    //{"rleg",    "Rol01_Leg01Up01Jnt_R",     "Rol01_Leg01AnkleJnt_R"},
    {"rleg1",   "Rol01_Leg01Up01Jnt_R",     "Rol01_Leg01Up01Jnt_R"},
    {"rleg2",   "Rol01_Leg01Low01Jnt_R",    "Rol01_Leg01Low01Jnt_R"},
    {"rleg3",   "Rol01_Leg01AnkleJnt_R",    "Rol01_Leg01AnkleJnt_R"},

    //{"larm",    "Rol01_Arm01Up01Jnt_L",     "Rol01_Arm01Low03Jnt_L"},
    {"larm1",   "Rol01_Arm01Up01Jnt_L",     "Rol01_Arm01Up01Jnt_L"},
    {"larm2",   "Rol01_Arm01Low01Jnt_L",    "Rol01_Arm01Low01Jnt_L"},
    {"larm3",   "Rol01_Hand01MasterJnt_L",  "Rol01_Hand01MasterJnt_L"},

    //{"rram",    "Rol01_Arm01Up01Jnt_R",    "Rol01_Arm01Low03Jnt_R"},
    {"rram1",   "Rol01_Arm01Up01Jnt_R",     "Rol01_Arm01Up01Jnt_R"},
    {"rram2",   "Rol01_Arm01Low01Jnt_R",    "Rol01_Arm01Low01Jnt_R"},
    {"rram3",   "Rol01_Hand01MasterJnt_R",  "Rol01_Hand01MasterJnt_R"},        

config.ChainMapping = {
    // fk   ik      sourceChain     targetChain
    // spine
    {true,  false,  "spine",        "spine"},

    // head
    {true,  false,  "head",         "head"},

    // lleg
    {true,  false,  "lleg1",        "lleg1"},
    {true,  false,  "lleg2",        "lleg2"},
    {true,  false,  "lleg3",        "lleg3"},
    // rleg
    {true,  false,  "rleg1",        "rleg1"},
    {true,  false,  "rleg2",        "rleg2"},
    {true,  false,  "rleg3",        "rleg3"},

    // larm
    {true,  false,  "larm1",        "larm1"},
    {true,  false,  "larm2",        "larm2"},
    {true,  false,  "larm3",        "larm3"},
    // rarm
    {true,  false,  "rram1",        "rram1"},
    {true,  false,  "rram2",        "rram2"},
    {true,  false,  "rram3",        "rram3"},


better both source and target initial pose on tpose

but other initial pose also fine

rule: source inital pose == target initial pose

init of processor

SoulIK::UIKRetargetProcessor ikretarget;
ikretarget.Initialize(&srcusk, &tgtusk, asset, false);    

run retarget:

// type cast
IKRigUtils::SoulPose2FPose(inposes[frame], inposeLocal);

// coord convert
IKRigUtils::LocalPoseCoordConvert(tsrc2work, inposeLocal, srccoord, workcoord);

// to global pose
IKRigUtils::FPoseToGlobal(srcskm.skeleton, inposeLocal, inpose);

// retarget
std::vector<FTransform>& outpose = ikretarget.RunRetargeter(inpose, SpeedValuesFromCurves, DeltaTime);

// to local pose
IKRigUtils::FPoseToLocal(tgtskm.skeleton, outpose, outposeLocal);

// coord convert
IKRigUtils::LocalPoseCoordConvert(twork2tgt, outposeLocal, workcoord, tgtcoord);

// type cast
IKRigUtils::FPose2SoulPose(outposeLocal, outposes[frame]);

feature work

develop maya plugin based on this lib

render the skeleton and animation so easy debug

Release notes

version 1.1.4: 2023.5.24:

fix bug for linux and gcc

version 1.1.3: 2023.4.20:

python binding can assign python list to cpp std::vector


config.SourceChains = [chain1, chain2]

version 1.1.2: 2023.4.20

add linux build

version 1.1.1: 2023.4.20

fix animation jump:  many float time inside one frame,  interpolate by float alpha.

version 1.1.0: 2023.4.19

1. fix align tpose uskeleton to animation skeleton: bug during scale from root joint to world root different
2. python binding

version 1.0.4: 2023.4.14

1. update macos assimp lib
2. fix macos bug:
    create createIKRigAsset targetBoneIndex error
    SoulIKRetargetProcessor sort chain error: 
        std::sort(ChainPairsFK.begin(), ChainPairsFK.end(), ChainsSorter);

        return <= 0;
        return < 0;
3. change /lib to /code
4. remove embedded assimp project if not -DEMBED_ASSIMP=ON

version 1.0.3: 2023.4.13

fix animation jump:  quaternion not normalize.

version 1.0.2: 2023.4.12

fix flair to meta retarget:  change coordtype and rootBoneName

add ERootType:
    RootZ               : height = root.translation.z
    RootZMinusGroundZ   : height = root.translation.z - ground.translation.z
    Ignore              : skip root retarget

version 1.0.1: 2023.4.12

input file:  sourceAnimation sourceTPose targetAnimation targetTPose
    need align tpose uskeleton to animation skeleton
add testcase struct

fix uskeleton coordtype convert
fix tpose and animation pose alignment

add macos support with release assimp lib
windows change assimp from debug to release

version 1.0.0: 2023.4.10: read source animation fbx file read source tpose fbx file read target meta fbx file

run retarget from source animation to target meta file

retarget config:
    s1 to meta
    flair to meta


this repo copy from

path: Engine/Plugins/Animation/IKRig

I use glm to implement Unreal math, and keep coordinate system right hand, z up, y front

this is different with Unreal, which is left hand, z up, y front