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Enhanced Outsourced and Secure Inference for Tall Sparse Decision Trees


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Build Gradle project
Implementation of the PPDT in the paper "Evaluating Outsourced Decision Trees by a Level-Based Approach"


  • crypto.jar library is from this repository
  • weka.jar library is from SourceForge, download the ZIP file and import the weka.jar file


It is a requirement to install SDK to install Gradle. You need to install the following packages, to ensure everything works as expected

sudo apt-get install -y default-jdk, default-jre, graphviz, curl, python3-pip
pip3 install pyyaml
pip3 install configobj
curl -s "" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
# In a new terminal, you run this command
sdk install gradle

Run this command and all future commands from Level-Site-PPDT folder, run the following command once to install docker and MiniKube.

Reboot your machine, then re-run the command to install minikube.


Also, remember to install Sealed Secrets.

sudo apt-get install jq

# Fetch the latest sealed-secrets version using GitHub API
KUBESEAL_VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r '.[0].name' | cut -c 2-)

# Check if the version was fetched successfully
if [ -z "$KUBESEAL_VERSION" ]; then
    echo "Failed to fetch the latest KUBESEAL_VERSION"
    exit 1

wget "${KUBESEAL_VERSION}/kubeseal-${KUBESEAL_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
tar -xvzf kubeseal-"${KUBESEAL_VERSION}"-linux-amd64.tar.gz kubeseal
sudo install -m 755 kubeseal /usr/local/bin/kubeseal
rm kubeseal*

# Install Helm
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
rm ./

# Add Sealed Secret Cluster
helm repo add sealed-secrets
helm install sealed-secrets -n kube-system --set-string fullnameOverride=sealed-secrets-controller sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets

Before you run the PPDT, make sure to create your keystore, this is necessary as the level-sites use TLS sockets. Either run script, make sure the password is consistent with the Kubernetes secret, or just use the Sealed Secret.

Running PPDT locally

  1. Check the file is set to your needs. Currently:
    1. It assumes level-site 0 would use port 9000, level-site 1 would use port 9001, etc.
      1. If you modify this, provide a comma-separated string of all the ports for each level-site.
      2. Currently, it assumes ports 9000–9009 will be used.
    2. key_size corresponds to the key size of both DGK and Paillier keys.
    3. precision controls how accurate to measure thresholds that are decimals. If a value was 100.1, then a precision of 1 would set this value to 1001.
    4. The data would point to the directory with the answer.csv file and all the training and testing data.
  2. Currently, the test file will read from the data/answers.csv file.
    1. The first column is the training data set, it is required to be a .arff file to be compatible with Weka. Alternatively, you can pass a .model file, which is a pre-trained Weka model. It is assumed this is a J48 classifier tree model.
    2. The second column would the name of an input file that is tab separated with the feature name and value
    3. The third column would be the expected classification given the input from the second column. If there is a mismatch, there will be an assertion error.

To run the end-to-end test, run the following:

sh gradlew build

When the testing is done, you will have an output directory containing both the DT model and a text file on how to draw your tree. Input the contents of the text file into the website here to get a drawing of what the DT looks like.

If you want to analyze the level of each classification in a pre-trained decision tree from the data folder, run the following (where argument is the name of the dataset):

./gradlew run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.utils.depth_analysis --args spambase

This will read the DT in data/spambase.model which was trained from the data set data/spambase.arff. It will classify all the data in the training set, and get the level (1, ..., d) of the classification within the DT model. In the paper, I used this to argue that assuming most training data is like testing data, you likely will never need to go down the whole tree often.

Running PPDT on Kubernetes clusters

To make it easier for deploying on the cloud, we also provided a method to export our system into Kubernetes. This would assume one execution rather than multiple executions.

Option 1 - Using Minikube

You will need to start and configure minikube. When writing the paper, we provided 8 CPUs and 20 GB of memory; this was set using the arguments that fit your computer's specs.

minikube start --cpus 8 --memory 20000
eval $(minikube docker-env)

Option 2- Running it on an EKS Cluster

  • First install eksctl

  • Create a user with sufficient permissions. Go to IAM, Select Users, Create User, Attach Policies directly, for a quick experiment select all permission.

  • Obtain AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY of the user account. See the documentation provided here

  • run aws configure to input the access id and credential.

  • Run the following command to create the cluster

eksctl create cluster --config-file eks-config/single-cluster.yaml
  • Confirm the EKS cluster exists using the following
eksctl get clusters --region us-east-1
  • Once you confirm the cluster is created, you need to register the cluster with kubectl:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ppdt --region us-east-1

Using/Creating a Kubernetes Sealed Secret

It is suggested you use the existing sealed secret. The password in this secret is aligned with what is on the keystore.

kubectl apply -f ppdt-sealedsecret.yaml

Alternatively, you can create a new sealed secret as follows:

kubectl create secret generic ppdt-secrets --from-literal=keystore-pass=<SECRET_VALUE>
kubectl get secret ppdt-secrets -o yaml | kubeseal --scope cluster-wide > ppdt-sealedsecret.yaml

However, if you make a new sealed secret, you should re-make the keystore as well. Just remember, sealed secrets do not work in multiple clusters by default, as a heads-up.

Running Kubernetes Commands

The next step is to start deploying all the components running the following:

kubectl apply -f k8/server
kubectl apply -f k8/level_sites
kubectl apply -f k8/client

You will then need to wait until all the level sites are launched. To verify this, please run the following command. All the pods that say level_site should have a status running.

kubectl get pods

The output of kubectl get pods would look something like:

NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE
ppdt-level-site-01-deploy-7dbf5b4cdd-wz6q7   1/1     Running     1 (2m39s ago)   16h
ppdt-level-site-02-deploy-69bb8fd5c6-wjjbs   1/1     Running     1 (2m39s ago)   16h
ppdt-level-site-03-deploy-74f7d95768-r6tn8   1/1     Running     1 (16h ago)     16h
ppdt-level-site-04-deploy-6d99df8d7b-d6qlj   1/1     Running     1 (2m39s ago)   16h
ppdt-level-site-05-deploy-855b649896-82hlm   1/1     Running     1 (2m39s ago)   16h
ppdt-level-site-06-deploy-6578fc8c9b-ntzhn   1/1     Running     1 (16h ago)     16h
ppdt-level-site-07-deploy-6f57496cdd-hlggh   1/1     Running     1 (16h ago)     16h
ppdt-level-site-08-deploy-6d596967b8-mh9hz   1/1     Running     1 (2m39s ago)   16h
ppdt-level-site-09-deploy-8555c56976-752pn   1/1     Running     1 (16h ago)     16h
ppdt-level-site-10-deploy-67b7c5689b-rkl6r   1/1     Running     1 (2m39s ago)   16h

It does take time for the level-site to be able to accept connections. Run the following command on the first level-site, and wait for an output in standard output saying LEVEL SITE SERVER STARTED!. Use CTRL+C to exit the pod.

kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-level-site-01-deploy" -o name)
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-level-site-10-deploy" -o name)

Next, you need to run the server to create Decision Tree and split the model among the level-sites. You can run it either connecting via a terminal to the pod using the commands below.

kubectl exec -i -t $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-server-deploy" -o name) -- /bin/bash
gradle run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.server --args <TRAINING-FILE>

Alternatively, you can combine the above commands as follows:

kubectl exec -i -t $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-server-deploy" -o name) -- bash -c "gradle run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.server --args <TRAINING-FILE>"

Once you see this output Server ready to get public keys from client-site, you need to run the client.

In a NEW terminal, start the client, run the following commands to complete an evaluation. You would point values to something like /data/hypothyroid.values.

kubectl exec -i -t $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-client-deploy" -o name) -- /bin/bash
gradle run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.client --args <VALUES-FILE>

# Test WITHOUT level-sites
gradle run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.client --args '<VALUES-FILE> --server'

Alternatively, you can combine both commands in one go as follows:

kubectl exec -i -t $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-client-deploy" -o name) -- bash -c "gradle run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.client --args <VALUES-FILE>"

# Test WITHOUT level-sites
kubectl exec -i -t $(kubectl get pod -l "pod=ppdt-client-deploy" -o name) -- bash -c "gradle run -PchooseRole=weka.finito.client --args '<VALUES-FILE> --server'"

Re-running with different experiments

If you are just re-running the client with the same or different values file, just re-run the above command again. However, if you want to test with another data set, best to just rebuild the environment by deleting everything first.

kubectl delete -f k8/client
kubectl delete -f k8/server
kubectl delete -f k8/level_sites

Then repeat the instructions on the previous section.

Clean up

Destroy the EKS cluster using the following:

eksctl delete cluster --config-file eks-config/single-cluster.yaml --wait

Destroy the MiniKube environment as follows:

minikube delete

Authors and Acknowledgement

Code Authors: Andrew Quijano, Spyros T. Halkidis, Kevin Gallagher



Project status

The project is fully tested.

Current Issues

  1. Not sure why the encryption library seems to have a bug in some specific comparisons in spambase and hypothyroid. I will debug these soon, but overall this works like a charm.
  2. TLS Sockets do not work on EKS, but I will fix this eventually. It works on all connections except once level-site 1 reaches out to the client for evaluation.
  3. Much bigger issue, so the first few runs of this application on EKS, the comparisons are pretty fast, like it takes about 0.5 seconds. But after like 10+ comparisons, the comparison performance just drops off a cliff to like 1 second. The only way I see to restore the same level of performance is to rebuild the EKS cluster. I have NO idea why this performance drop occurs, and I have tried deleting and rebuilding the pods, and even restarting the EC2 instances.


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  • Java 89.0%
  • Shell 5.4%
  • Python 4.4%
  • Dockerfile 1.2%