JSON Aggregator provides two Python scripts for aggregating and collecting data from multiple JSON files.
usage: aggregate_json.py root [options]
Aggregate values of matching JSON files by key based on the provided
aggregation functions.
positional arguments:
root String specifying the root directory for searching
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Relative to the `root` patterns used by glob to
collect matching JSON files (default: ['*.json'])
-a KEY=AGG_FN,... [KEY=AGG_FN,... ...], --agg_fns KEY=AGG_FN,... [KEY=AGG_FN,... ...]
String representing a key-value pair, where key is a
JSON key and value is one or multiple aggregation
functions for the corresponding key's values. If not
specified, the default functions from
`default_agg_fns` are used. (default: None)
-d AGG_FN [AGG_FN ...], --default_agg_fns AGG_FN [AGG_FN ...]
Default aggregation functions to use for keys that are
not present in `agg_fns`. If not specified, such keys
and their corresponding values are dropped and will
not appear in final aggregated JSON. (default:
-o OUT_FNAME, --out_fname OUT_FNAME
Path to a file where aggregated JSON will be written.
(default: None)
Available aggregation functions: 'count', 'sum', 'list', 'mean', 'median',
'mode', 'std', 'var', 'min', 'max', 'drop'.
It is possible to extend/override predefined aggregation functions available in CLI.
The following example adds a new aggregation function unique
and overrides existing mean
with custom implementation:
from json_aggregator.aggregate_json import AGG_FN_CHOICES, run_from_cli
custom_agg_fns = {'unique': set, 'mean': lambda vals: sum(vals) / len(vals)}
agg_fn_choices = dict(AGG_FN_CHOICES)
usage: collect_json_to_csv.py [options] root
Write contents of matching JSON files to a CSV file.
positional arguments:
root String specifying the root directory for searching
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Relative to the `root` patterns used by glob to
collect matching JSON files (default: ['*.json'])
-o OUT_FNAME, --out_fname OUT_FNAME
Path where resulting CSV file will be written
(default: collected.csv)
A string used to separate fields (default: ,)
-r RESTVAL, --restval RESTVAL
If contents of matching JSON files have non-equal
keys, the missing values are filled-in with this value
(default: -)