This Shiny application was written in RStudio (ver. 1.3.1073; R ver. 4.02) as an example of how to automate R analysis by dedicated micro-applications. The author used classification testing as an example mainly due to working with multiple classification algorithms during his PhD; however it shows only a simplified approach to the issue.
The application enables its user to firstly input a dataset (so far only in a CSV format) and define columns to be used [Stage 1]. Once set, users can define selected details, like classification type to be utilized, input values to trainControl() function or whether to apply data normalisation before algorithm training [Stage 2]. Due to the app being only an example, only a selection of methods applicable to train() method has been implemented. Finally, users can download a train() result printout as well as two visualisations of gathered accuracy and kappa values, as box or violin plots [Stage 3].
To be able to run or modify the app R and RStudio have to be installed on your computer:
- R package can be downloaded from
- RStudio can be downloaded from:
- Install Shiny library: install.packages("shiny")
If you have R and RStudio already installed:
- Download the app.R file from the repository
- Open R file in RStudio and run the app
- Required libraries will be installed authomatically
Alternatively, to run the app via a link:
- In RStudio, run code: shiny::runGitHub("AutomatedClassificationApp","AndrzejRomaniuk", ref = "main")
- Required libraries will be installed authomatically
Andrzej A. Romaniuk
PhD (Archaeology), MSc (Osteoarchaeology)
University of Edinburgh, Research/Teaching assistance
National Museums of Scotland, Research associate
Higher Education Academy, Associate fellow