A component that is designed to show and hide messages based on the state of a key/value object.
1.x.x uses the old form api
2.x.x uses the new forms api
npm install @angularclass/form-errors --save
- Inputs
: takes an object where the keys match the errors and the value is the message
- Attributes
: The control name to determine the errors
selector: 'account',
directives: [
<ac-form-errors control="username" [errors]="{'required': 'this is required'}"></ac-form-errors>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FORM_PROVIDERS, FORM_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/common';
import { ANGULARCLASS_FORM_ERRORS_DIRECTIVES } from '@angularclass/form-errors';
selector: 'account-edit',
providers: [
directives: [
template: `
(ngSubmit)="onUpdateProfile(accountForm.value, accountForm.valid)"
<input ngControl="username" required>
<ac-form-errors control="username" [errors]="{'required': 'username is required'}"></ac-form-errors>
export class AccountEditComponent {
accountForm = {
username: ''
onUpdateProfile(json, isValid) {
- use ng-content for template driven forms
- by default use the control next to the directive
enjoy — AngularClass
Learn AngularJS, Angular 2, and Modern Web Development from the best. Looking for corporate Angular training, want to host us, or Angular consulting? patrick@angularclass.com