Render your Sweet Home 3D files headless on computers without a GPU like VPS.
Using ConsolePhotoGenerator
- Install Java Development Kit for compilation and Java Runtime Environment for rendering.
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless openjdk-8-jdk-headless
- Modify to change the resolution (width and height) of the photo.
- Compile
javac -cp SweetHome3D-6.5.2.jar:sunflow-0.07.3i.jar -d .
- Render your SH3D file. (Replace userGuideExample.sh3d with your file)
java -Dj3d.rend=noop -cp .:SweetHome3D-6.5.2.jar:sunflow-0.07.3i.jar:j3dcore.jar:vecmath.jar:j3dutils.jar:batik-svgpathparser-1.7.jar com.eteks.sweethome3d.utilities.ConsolePhotoGenerator userGuideExample.sh3d photo.png
Only 2 options are available, Level 3 (Fast global illumination) & Level 4 (Global illumination). Level 1 & 2 are not available as it uses GPU rendering. (And it's fast not to bother rendering on a server.)
Render quality are determined on the .sh3d file, to change render quality, open Create a photo from 3D view, change the render quality, and save your file.
Viewpoint are determined on the .sh3d file, to change viewpoint, open your .sh3d file, change the camera viewpoint on the 3D view, and save your file.
Time & Date are determined on the .sh3d file, to change time & date, open Create a photo from 3D view, change the time & date, and save your file.
To change the heap size of the Java Virtual Machine, use the -Xms
for initial heap size and -Xmx
for maximum heap size.
Example using an initial heap size of 10 GB and maximum heap size of 12 GB, good for PC with 16 GB RAM.
java -Xms10g -Xmx12g -Dj3d.rend=noop -cp .:SweetHome3D-6.5.2.jar:sunflow-0.07.3i.jar:j3dcore.jar:vecmath.jar:j3dutils.jar:batik-svgpathparser-1.7.jar com.eteks.sweethome3d.utilities.ConsolePhotoGenerator userGuideExample.sh3d photo.png