If you have complex graphics or sounds, please save the source files in the asset_source directory.
By contributing you agree to license your content as GNU GPL 3.0 or later and other assets as CC BY 4.0.
For final images use webp format for game art or png for gui and web. Compress pngs with optipng, especially gui elements generated by renpy. For master images use svg for vector or png for raster.
Edit out real life brands, and identifiable people in any images. The only exception is when their explicit consent is granted
Although this game was developed by a university organization, We do not have permission to use that university branding or name. You know which one.
Opus for in game use. FLAC or wav for Master in the source repo.
The game should ideally fit on a mini CD or be easily downloaded by a 56k connection in about an hour. Each Megabyte counts.