The ingestion-service
utilizes Akka Http to provide an asynchronous, streaming API.
On accepting and validating an upload request (POST, multipart/form-data), the byte stream and metadata are passed to the Upload route, which first calls the Storage service to stream the bytes to a file system file, before calling Vendor service (now that it knows the size of the upload), to verify the vendor has upload quota available.
If not, the file is deleted from store and an appropriate error is returned.
If all ok, a metadata record is written to the quotas table, and a Json response returned,
containing a contextUrl
field that may be used for future manipulation of the document
(see API doc)
A good intro to Akka streams from Zalando
$ sbt 'set coverageEnabled := true' clean coverage test coverageReport
Coverage report: docs/coverage/scoverage-report/index.html
Build a docker image:
$ sbt docker:publishLocal
Running docker image locally:
$ docker run \
--env SERVER_PORT=8080 \
--env API_PORT=8081 \
--net=host anized/ingestion-service:2022.02
See also: starting Postgress
To run this service as part of the Nomad demo
Description of the REST API form document upload and download exposed by the service