Notes on Container
link for Brian Holt notes
To know which OS version of host
cat /etc/issue
To run container
docker run --interactive --tty alpine:3.10
docker run -it alpine:3.10
-it -> for interactive shell
To run container in the background
docker run --detach -it ubuntu:bionic
docker run -dit ubuntu:bionic
To show running container which docker is managing for us
docker ps --all
To kill a container running in the background
docker kill name_container
To name a conatiner use this flag
To kill it automatically after exiting use this flag
example --
docker run --rm -dit --name my-ubuntu ubuntu:bionic
To remove containers and images
docker container prune || docker image prune
To fetch container for running
docker pull jturpin/hollywood
is used to push container to registry like docker hub)
To know more about container
docker inspect node
To pauses or unpause all the processes in a container
docker pause <ID or name> || docker unpause <ID or name>
To execute commands against running container
docker exec <ID or name> <command (like-ps aux)>
To know overall history of composition of container
docker history node
To know more about the host system
docker info
To know processes running in the container
docker run mongo
docker top <ID outputted by previous command> # you should see MongoDB running
To see Logs
docker log mongo
Restart - (it restarts)
To search into registry
docker search python