This code reproduces the proposed AAAI 2019 local representation alignment (LRA-E) model for training deep neural networks. Requires:- Tensorflow >=2.0, Python >=3.5, numpy
Now, the code works with newer version of PyTorch and Newer TF
- python mnist/ runs 4 layer MLP on mnist (Updated code can work with pytorch and Tensorflow for any layers)
- python fmnist/ runs 4 layer MLP on fashion-mnist.
- python mnist/ (supports new Tensorflow and is more modular to run across shallow and deeper layers). Similarly fmnist/ runs fashion_mnist
- python mnist/ and fmnist/ supports pytorch
We have structured code keeping the following things in mind
- easy to modify
- our codebase maps with pseudo-code provided in our paper
- easy to convert for researchers familiar with other deep learning libraries(Pytorch/Theano).
- Using basic ops to understand the update rule for LRA-E
Class MLP creates all the necessary function
- Declare all the Weight and biases variables for the model.[How deeper you wish to go]
- forward :- Function does the forward pass for the model on cpu or gpu.
- compute_output:- gives you a set of post and preactivations for the model.
- backward :- will help you calculate backpropagation (backprop) gradients and perform one step of SGD [Note: Can be replaced with any TF optimizer].
- compute_lra_update :- Will compute LRA_updates (instead of backprop)
We will update this repo to add more examples and optimal training rules for LRA.
If you use or adapt (portions of) this code/algorithm in any form in your project(s), or find the LRA-E algorithm helpful in your own work; please cite this code's source paper:
title={Biologically motivated algorithms for propagating local target representations},
author={Ororbia, Alexander G and Mali, Ankur},
booktitle={Proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence},