This project has been implemented using two ways.
- withEigen: Using Eigen library Eigen
- withoutEigen: This part is based on vector library in std namespace std::vector
- SoftMax
- ReLU
- Tanh
- Sigmoid
- Linear
- CrossEntropy
- MeanSquare
- FocalLoss
- FocalLoss_b
- Standard gradient descent.
- Standard gradient descent with momentum.
Please look at the documentation for further details.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/FFNeuralNetwork/ /path/to/FFNeuralNetwork/source
make install (optional)
In case, build is required for the version with the eigen integeration. Add the following flag.
mkdir build
cd build
If you also want to compile and run the tests, also add this -DTESTS=ON. This option needs internet access, because the process will download the googletest library.
Please refer to some of examples provided along this package. These examples illustrate a way on how to create an architect for the neural network, and train it on a dataset. You might need to download the iris dataset from University of California Irvine dataset repository to see these examples play. Please refer to the documentation for further information.
- Install doxygen
- To build the documentation.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make docs