Lets you congregate/aggregate messages and publish it back to the passed function.
The callback is done when either the number of messages exceeds a threshold or time has elapsed, specified by "Rate" case class.
To check it out further please see: source-code
With a recent development of alpakka, we can do this better if we are using streaming data.
Lets you open a consumer in a different actor, polling every 5 seconds. Function passed to map would be called with the result from polling.
Support mapping from Json to Object. Assuming: value.serializer is specified as "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
case class MyComponent(name: String)
val topicNames: List[String] = List("Topic-to-consume-from")
val groupId = "group-id"
val kafkaConsumerProperties = new java.util.Properties()
val consumer = new ConsumerKafka[MyComponent](kafkaConsumerProperties, topicNames, groupId)
consumer.map {
components: List[MyComponent] =>
To check it out further please see: source-code
Favor Kafka Streams now.