Boilerplate for a Next.js Django app
- nvm
- node
- yarn
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Make
- next
- cypress
Next.js app with BEM SCSS using JS (TS is overkill for frontend and unit tests are meaningless till at least MVP)
See next-django-template.test if you added to /etc/hosts (if you are on windows see Windows)
To add dependencies, do make frontend-add package=<named-of-package>
To run development first install dependencies with make install
then do make run
See if you added to /etc/hosts (if you are on Windows you may also need to add aliases to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)
Django backend with logger, email, unit tests
When testing email use to get the mailhog client to catch mail
If you want to make a superuser do make createsuperuser
and that will create an admin with login credentials of the following:
Username: admin Password: admin
To add an app to the backend, do make new-app app=<named-of-app>
⚠ When starting a new app you might get errors inf they are not installed locally, in which case comment out dependencies in INSTALLED_APPS in
To add dependencies, do make backend-add package=<named-of-package>
If you change or create model entities, you will need to generate migrations for the DB. Simply run make migrations
or make migrations name=migration-name app=app-name
for a named migration where app-name will corresponding to the app where the model was changed. If you do not do this, then your entity changes will not be reflected in the database.
Docker, Docker-compose, Makefiles, Traefik for proxy handling
To start off do make init
or do make up
if you are starting it up again
To bring the services down do make down
Unit testing for backend and cypress testing for e2e. To run e2e do make e2e
(unfortunately this does not work on WSL)
Here are a list of things you need to do once you decide to use this template
- change constants in frontend/components/constants/constants for front end defaults
- change .env.local to your personal settings
- Change traefik.yml and /etc/hosts for new alias domains
- Auth with JWT:
- Cron jobs for backend:
- use djoser for fast django auth
- set up CI/CD for testing
Main should be the production env while dev branch is pre-production. Any other feature or bug can be added as a new branch in the format of project name followed by the ticket number (ie NDT-00401)
PRs likewise should have project name followed by the ticket number and optionally include the epic it is a part of. In addition a description should be included
Example: NDT-00401(MVP): Finished frontend as part of the MVP
Where MVP is the current epic
With inspiration from