diff --git a/Arch-Linux/Sway.md b/Arch-Linux/Sway.md index b3880b81..a2b19336 100644 --- a/Arch-Linux/Sway.md +++ b/Arch-Linux/Sway.md @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ sudo vim /etc/fstab - Main packages: ```bash -sudo pacman -S ccid discord distrobox docker fastfetch firefox firejail htop keepassxc mlocate mpv noto-fonts-emoji ntfs-3g powerline-fonts protonmail-bridge rsync steam systray-x thunderbird tmux ttf-font-awesome virt-viewer wl-clipboard xorg-xwayland yubico-piv-tool zathura zathura-pdf-poppler #Main packages from Arch repos +sudo pacman -S ccid discord distrobox docker fastfetch firefox firejail htop keepassxc mlocate mpv noto-fonts-emoji powerline-fonts protonmail-bridge rsync steam systray-x thunderbird tmux ttf-font-awesome virt-viewer wl-clipboard xorg-xwayland yubico-piv-tool zathura zathura-pdf-poppler #Main packages from Arch repos paru -S arch-update firefox-pwa onlyoffice-bin ventoy-bin zaman #Main packages from the AUR sudo pacman -S --asdeps gnome-keyring gnu-free-fonts qt6-wayland ttf-dejavu xdg-utils wofi #Optional dependencies that I need for the above packages systemctl --user enable --now arch-update.timer ssh-agent.service #Start and enable timers and services diff --git a/Arch-Linux/i3.md b/Arch-Linux/i3.md index 1fd3360d..20d713dd 100644 --- a/Arch-Linux/i3.md +++ b/Arch-Linux/i3.md @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ sudo vim /etc/fstab - Main packages: ```bash -sudo pacman -S ccid discord distrobox docker fastfetch firefox firejail htop keepassxc mlocate mpv noto-fonts-emoji ntfs-3g powerline-fonts protonmail-bridge rofi rsync steam systray-x thunderbird tmux ttf-font-awesome virt-viewer xclip xorg-xhost yubico-piv-tool zathura zathura-pdf-poppler #Main packages from Arch repos +sudo pacman -S ccid discord distrobox docker fastfetch firefox firejail htop keepassxc mlocate mpv noto-fonts-emoji powerline-fonts protonmail-bridge rofi rsync steam systray-x thunderbird tmux ttf-font-awesome virt-viewer xclip xorg-xhost yubico-piv-tool zathura zathura-pdf-poppler #Main packages from Arch repos paru -S arch-update firefox-pwa onlyoffice-bin pa-applet-git ventoy-bin zaman #Main packages from the AUR sudo pacman -S --asdeps gnome-keyring gnu-free-fonts ttf-dejavu xdg-utils #Optional dependencies that I need for the above packages systemctl --user enable --now arch-update.timer ssh-agent.service #Start and enable timers and services